I've just had this stuff on my mind lately about how it seem that people become temporary as we get older. Friendships that we've made in our teens and early 20's just seem to vanish and it was out of my control. Not that I had many to begin with but it seems like the ones that did last longer than the others still seem to have faded away. I continuously tried to be there for them when they needed me during their hard times. Just being supportive like a good friend does and when all is said and done, they've moved on from their trying times, they move on from me as well. I find myself alone with my thoughts and face everything on my own most of the time because it's just my kids and I. It's getting harder. I just want to share life experiences with people. Make memories to look back on when we're older. To be able to say, "Look at how far we've come and all of the obstacles we've conquered. We may not be blood but you've become the family that I was meant to have in this world." I hope that I find that person or those people.

Lost friendships
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Lustful Buttercup
I completely get where you're coming from. It all is part of change. Been there where you're at too. It's all part of people not being who they were anymore due to change. I hear ya though that it would be special to have a close enough friend to do that with in life. I almost had that but me & who was my best friend just grew apart.
But yeah we all change & it's the process of that. We just cherish the good memories I guess & figure out our own stuff. Just when it comes to making new friendships we definitely shouldn't settle. If we get off vibes from someone then that's for a reason. I stay to myself too pretty much. I hear ya.
Yeah. I definitely need to stop just settling for people who just pop in and out of my life. I was told that maybe it's because I'm the only reliable person they might have in their lives when the chips are down and that's all they really need. But, I need someone whose also going to lift me up when I can't shoulder the weight of everything when they're down. It's just exhausting sometimes. Change is the only constant in life. Gotta keep evolving into the best me I can be. Thanks for your comment.
by xXFaNcyKeTcHuPXx; ; Report
I wish you the best of luck & no problem. The sad truth of that does feel like what you said with majority of people. I hope you find your forever friends for sure though. They're out there, just not always so easy to find.
by Lustful Buttercup; ; Report