Stomach hurts so badly O_e Although I didn't eat much, I ate nothing but junk yesterday. I couldn't help it! I love crushing my lightly-salted pringles into a pulp and loading it into my mouth. I also got a small bag of mini-M&Ms. Mini-M&Ms can be linked to frutiger aero. Such a satisfying taste. Oh, and I'm sure I ate something else! My brother and I went grocery shopping yesterday. I was sure to get balance out the junk food, too. Like, either tonight or tomorrow I plan on cooking for the first time alone. Making tacos. To surprise my dad. I got strawberries and blackberries. I would've gotten cucumbers but my dad randomly brought home a bunch earlier this week.
Last fall, my dad was given TONS of cucumbers for reasons I can't remember. He probably got it from his work. There were just two boxes full of fresh cucumbers taken straight from a farm. I loved it. The cucumbers were so juicy and filled with seeds. We had so much.
Halloween 2024. I went trick-or-treating at my ripe old age of seventeen. I had two costumes : Mabel Pines & ... We'll say a street performer because I'm embarrassed to admit where the character comes from (nothing bad just straight-up cringe). I dressed up as Mabel alongside my best friend, who dressed up like Dipper. Accurate Dipper. It was so funny to see. His costume was much more better than mine. I just wore a pink sweater, a pink headband, a pink skirt, and pink leggings. He wore an orange shirt, a blue vest, and an actual Dipper hat. The high school had a little trick-or-treat ceremony where you could walk around the school building and get candy. There were quite a few people who dressed up! One senior just walked around in an inflatable dog costume. One or two people picked up what my best friend and I were were referencing.
We also went to a Halloween dance. It was fun. It was awkward, too. I feel like a bad person to admit this, buuuuttttt... Two of our mutual friends came along to the party. One guy was dressed up like a furry. He had dog ears, dog paws, and a collar... Can't remember what the other guy was dressed up as. Occasionally, they'd make sexual jokes. I'm a bad person, but I was so embarrassed to be around them. Thankfully the lights were dim for the most part. I have nothing against furries. Like I know I'm bound to get trashed at but if you asked me if I were a furry... I'd dodge the question depending. Lmao. This is coming from someone who roleplayed as Warrior Cats characters and Five Nights at Freddy's characters as a kid!
It was just a little embarrassing. Especially the collar. I can't remember if there was a leash attached. They're not really my friends, hence why I used the word "mutuals". My best friend is a grade below me. The guy who dressed up as a dog was an old friend... If you could call it that. I don't know. He was my brother's friend before he was mine. We just rode the same bus to and from school every day. We always sat next to each other out of habit. We had nothing to talk about. To the point that I'd download two-player games to give us something to do. I have no idea why we even bothered with each other.
We were acquaintances at the beginning of high school but our friendship ended after everyone kept being annoying because people can't understand that a girl and a boy can be friends, nothing more, nothing less. Yes. It's true. Eventually he just stopped sitting near me, and it broke my heart. He got a girlfriend before he got with the guy he went to the party with. Wow I'm just giving lore out like that.
Dog-wearing costume or not, he's involved with one of my lowest moments. I admitted to my friend and his brother at school that I was embarrassed of the fact the kid wore a furry costume. We were talking about another kid who was embarrassing. Deserved because unlike the other kid, he kept on trying to get with me. This doesn't make sense. I think about it. Something as simple as that. I should have kept my thoughts regarding the situation to myself. It's not like that little sentence got in trouble with me over my friends. I just... Don't really know how to word it, like everything else I write or say. I said it out of insecurity. I'm starting to realize how insecurity just ruins me. I have a bunch of interests I'm embarrassed over. Bringing up the furry costume out of the blue just shows I'm not all that good of a person, like I'm a people pleaser. What am I even writing about? I already forgot. If he had just worn the costume, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. Just the sexual jokes he and his boyfriend caught me off guard. Anywhere else, it would've been okay. Outside, maybe. Just not inside the school. It goes back to me being a questionable person because I'm concerned about my image somewhat. Ugh sorry
I think the Halloween dance was on a weekend before Halloween. My friend, his parents, and a few of his siblings drove up to our neighborhood. I love my friend and his ENTIRE family. Such lovely folks. My friend doesn't live in a neighborhood like mine. His property is spaced out. Many people come up to my neighborhood every Halloween. We just went around the town. That was my first time trick-or-treating with a friend, and it was awesome. My last trick-or-treating xP This year, I'll be the one giving out candy if anything.
Soon my friend had to go home, so I just chilled out at the house. Sadly there weren't as many people trick-or-treating as usual. The costumes were lacking. In 2018, I saw a little girl in a school costume and a long brown ponytail wig. MONIKA. Same year probably, a girl was walking around in a red dress, red pigtails wig, face paint, microphone in hand, music playing, CIRCUS BABY.
It was just my brother and me at the house. I saw a girl from my school and her family. We chatted for a bit, and then I asked if she wanted a cucumber. We still had a box full of them. They were just outside my house, so I went inside to get some. My brother got the idea to just carry all of it and give it out to people. It was flipping hilarious. We went next door where our neighbors and their little kid was at, and with their permission, we began handing out cucumbers. They were still fresh!
Sily stuff like that. The little kid, who has to be twelve by now, used to knock on our door and ask us to come out and play with him. There used to be a kid who lived in the house across from him. I can't remember how old he was. I think when I was eleven, he was seven. Because that's probably when we hanged out. Memorieeees. My brother and I hanged out with him all the time despite our obvious age differences. Mainly we just did kid stuff. We often went up to the woods and explored. Once, we went all the way up to the water tower. I gotta dedicate a blog to him at some point. I love Amity and her twin siblings Emira and Edric and their dynamic - Serious younger sibling and two dorky, goofy older siblings. Reminds me of my brother, our old friend, and me.
In 2019, our friend sort of gained a step-dad and a step-sister because his mom got a boyfriend. Good memories. His sister was three years older than my brother and me, as we were thirteen years old at the same time. We just had a new friend to join in on our misadventures. Once, we filled up their new inflatable pool and we all splashed around in it. His dad was apparently an ex-wrestler, and he seemed nice. His family was goofy and all.
Even before his step-dad and co came into the picture, our friend would say he was going to move soon. I recall feeling sad over it the first time he said it... But he didn't move. He'd claim he was moving soon and he didn't, so it sort of became an inside joke between us. Sadly, right around quarantine he did move, for real this time. It happened so fast that we didn't even get to keep contact with him. I hope he's okay. He moved about an hour away from here.
Anyway, our neighbor's kid. He's about a year and a half younger than our old friend. At one point, my old friend was nine and he was seven. I'm eighteen now, so my old friend is probably fourteen at this point. Actually, come to think of it, I'm friends with our neighbor's parents on Facebook and he had his twelfth birthday. So he's twelve.
One time during quarantine, my brother and I were watching an episode of Bluey. The title of the episode, I forget. Bluey and Bingo were doing those classic hand games. Like, gesturing your hands to simulate opening a fridge. Our neighbor knocked on our door just as we got done with the show, so we came out. We started playing those hand games with him and it was HILARIOUS. Like I was on the driveway ground because I couldn't contain myself. Our neighbor was kinda over it because he couldn't understand what was so dang funny. I don't know. It's just something about it. Just old playground games.
Like the Cheese Touch. Not sure how many people how many people got it that it came from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was the game in second grade. Sometimes it'd cause tension between my grade. Another nostalgic classic was We knew before we knew was basically a more macabre version of the latter. It had a variety of content, from shooting games to dress-up games. I once found a Happy Tree Friends game on there with the Giggles hamster character. I thought it was just a cutesy dress-up game. Then I chose an option and her head just came CLEAN off. Instantly exited out of the window lol.
Love tester games were another classic. We had a kid in our class named Z. His hair was always put up in a mohawk with the magic of gel. Every girl had a crush on him. They'd put their names next to his in these love tester games to see if they were compatible. One girl typed in her name and the girl beside her typed in my name for some reason. Both got 100%. He came over to see. Smiled at the first one but dropped it when he saw the second one. XD Don't blame him. I was an absolute shithead as a kid. Absolute. I don't really look back on my childhood because it wasn't all that good.
This went on and on and on! I envy people who can describe their thoughts in a few sentences. "Dry texters" are sometimes a good thing. Sorry the blog looks weird. I stole it from an old blog. I found out you could use HTML commands to format your text. Two years ago I was only using br for my line breaks. I messed up at some point so now the top of the screen is SpaceHey's blue instead of the pink I had it set to. Can't figure out what went wrong so I'm just going to deal with it. Typing this out makes me eager to get serious about css/HTML and actually learn how to do it. I love making my stuff look pretty to see.
I wasted my entire Saturday doing absolutely nothing. It's now 4:46 P.M. I have another actually cool blog to post later. That was what I was working on. I'm going to take my dog out for a walk. Anywayyyyy, byeeeeee! Cya on the flip-side! Happy Saturday!

randomly talking about halloween, childhood memories, n whatnot (LONG)
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