I've been going back to replay Silent Hill 2 again with the remastered version on my PC, but something about the original atmosphere feels so much better than how the remake looks... Maybe I'm nostalgia-blind (sh3 pic is just there for coolzies)

Your thoughts on the SH2 Remake?
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I am about to play silent hill on my psp
Lucky!!! I wish I had a psp to still be able to play some of its exclusives
by Oh-Chris火; ; Report
What’s the lore on silent hill
by Chintoes; ; Report
Satanic ritual in a rural town makes a baby god, the baby grows up, and ritual ppl somehow crawl their way back into the protags' life throughout the series. That a gross summary of the story of Silent Hill series, but the town is basically either something good or bad for you (depending on your sins and character)
by Oh-Chris火; ; Report
What if I make my character cool af and nonchalant, the only sin he’ll make is taking the baby god out of the smoke rotation
by Chintoes; ; Report
Why are you so cool?
by Oh-Chris火; ; Report
Idk I think It’s just somethinv we have in common, shout out to my silent hill twin🙏
by Chintoes; ; Report