today has been a day. i’m writing this at 12:50pm so like- that’s how you know it’s been a day. i woke up late for a band competition and had to quickly put on my band shirt, grab my guitar, and get out the door to the school. i was supposed be there around 9:00am to help the rest of the front ensemble push out onto the track and stuff but couldn’t really make it. as i’m getting ready to go i get super sick and tell my dad and he just tells me i’m faking and i’m fine. so like i figure there’s probably no getting out of this so i just went but i started to get such a headache and just couldn’t deal with the loud noises of the band so i told the band director and he told me to go sit inside for a bit and cool off. so i did that and just ended up getting sick in the bathroom again. so i start crying and shit but i know i’m not going to get to go home bc my parents just don’t care so i was just gonna suck it up. but then i realized i forgot half my things and didn’t have any food so i text the family group chat in hopes my older sister could bring me something, but my parents ended up bringing me a lunch instead. but they didn’t walk up and give it to me, no no. i didn’t even see them. they left the lunch box at the track and left before i could ask for anything or even try and explain i felt like shit. so whatever, okay, i eat food during lunch around 11:30am and it’s time to start getting ready to go to the competition so everyone starts getting their uniforms on, BUT I GET SICK IN THE BATHROOM AGAIN. all of the section leaders and my friends got really worried and same as all the instructors. the band moms got worried too and when i mentioned my dad said i was probably faking one of them gets on the phone with him, calls him a pathetic excuse of a father, and then drove me home. my entire family is out of the house and is like an hour drives away so yippee. that happened today. a little silly.

band competition
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