Is Hello Kitty a God...? Yes!

I know it probably sounds crazy :PPPP BUT HEAR ME OUT!!!1!!!11!

Now I personally have a very personal description of what religion is and what it means, ya'll can disagree with it too, in fact, I think everyone should have their own spiritual beliefs like- indiviadually, even if like 2 people are christians for example, I've met some christians who are like super nice and interpret their religion in one way while also I've met other christians who are the complete oposite. What Im sayin is religion is complicated and I aint no expert so take this blog chill and dont send threats or anything to any religions they all cool :)

Where was I

Right, Hello Kitty.

You might be asking why the fuck tf would the most popular character from the Japanese Company Sanrio be a god

Now I need ya to keep an open mind on this.

God is a social construct that us humans invented, the image of god is something that can manifest in our world through various ways. 

For us Hello Kitty fans, we find that this character or the image of it brings us joy and happiness, comfort in our dark moments, isn't that what a god is supposed to do?

Perhaps im makin this too simple....... I dont want yall to think that there's like only ONE way to be a god, hell naw- When I say god in this case Im refering to a powerful purehearted entity from another plane who we can't have contact with but they can have contact with us. If you're thinking of like a god who created life and the universe and stuff, sorry :P

Lemme get my intelectual glasses
According to wikipedia: A deity or god is a supernatural being considered to be sacred and worthy of worship due to having authority over the universe, nature or human life.

  • Considered Sacred and worthy of Duty? check ✅
  • Authority over the universe, nature or human life? While Hello Kitty doesn't have control over nature or the universe she def has authority and power over the life of looots of ppl so,check ✅
As a random guy once said, God is dead! So I say we make our own gods! That feeling of comfort and grace is that entity that's with us like a fairygodmother!! And listen, I find that in hello kitty like a lot of other people, but, maybe you find it somewhere else!! Maybe idk Snoopy is the representation on earth of that entity of you! We all got different visions of the same plane that we interpret in different ways!!

Anyway to finish this off, please do not take this too seriously lol, respect all religions no matter what and be happy :P

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n3ro66NRx's profile picture

god is defined as a maximally great being, for hello kitty to be god it must be all powerful, all knowing and all loving. if hello kitty is all of these things it is no longer hello kitty, it is god. hello kitty has limits to its power, so hello kitty cannot be god, because if it held all the powers god did it, would no longer be hello kitty, so therefore your argument is debunked by facts and logic

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Sorry to disagree but hello kitty IS in fact all powerful, all knowing and all loving, and therefore is god

But looking at it from an atheist believer point of view,

A lot of people believe god is a human-made creation, it is only "real" because we believe it is. With that in mind, I believe hello kitty is the image of god :P

by CannibalCandy; ; Report

the existence of god is greater than the concept of a god. if there is no god, we could make hello kitty god, which is what we have done with other historical figures such as jesus, but if there is a god, its impossible for it to be hello kitty

by n3ro66NRx; ; Report