do you want to know something weird? if God existed, i would want him to love me. not because i need eternal salvation to avoid damnation or whatever, but because i'm needy and i get attached very fast, so if God was real... i would want God to be madly in love with me. i'd want him to care about me more than anything. but then again, that's just my neediness talking.

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if i saw jesus id be trying to fuck him too, he's a fittie lowkey
He does loves you! It's pure and unconditional. Please Him by doing His will and recognizing Jesus Christ as your Lord!
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
ur thought is v valid! but i mean He does. his son gave himself up on the cross for us. why? bcs he loves us a lot. he DOES love you; jus bcs we cannot see Him w our own eyes to believe that he loves us does not mean his love is not geniune. and also, we are given the choice b/w eternal salvation or damnation bcs he does not want 2 b someone who forces us 2 choose Him; he is giving us the choice to choose Him. if we choose him back we go 2 Him and if not. . well yk
idrk if u wanted 2 be answered but this is jus my input on it; u can ignore if u want to! have a lovely day x
by ♯sam; ; Report