I will be doing these entries to keep track of my current hunt and give me motivation.
My current target: Bulbasaur, in Pokemon Leaf Green
Shiny odds in this game are 1/8192.
I have done 14,400 soft-resets so far!
200 resets today!! c:
I'm still hard at work on this hunt! >:) I wanna hunt a lot these few days since I'm gonna have a lotta free time. I could get to 15k soon if I keep it up like this, which is close to double over odds! I don't know if I should feel proud or feel bad because of that... ;/
I started watching breaking bad, cuz I was bored
lol. I'm having fun with it! I'm watching both naruto and breaking bad
rn, which is surprising, because I almost never actually watch shows...
Anyways!! After this hunt, I want to keep hunting in this game. I wanna do a badgequest, actually. Which I know will take me a bunch of time... But its okay!! The thought of a shiny hunt kind of growing up with me is kind of exciting lol, I hope I don't give up on this one. It's why I started these entries, they make me want to hunt so I can make more little updates.
I might start doing them less frequently, since I'm starting to run outta things to say everyday/every other day. Maybe weekly? I'm not sure.
Hopefully Bulbasaur shines soon!

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