I've spent the past couple hours overhauling my personal site and figured I'd share it here. It's not like I massively redesigned it or anything, I just gave it much needed updates and improved several aspects of it. For starters, the main navigation is actual buttons instead of just being plain text links, the art archive has appropriate graphics for each year and navigation buttons, as previously you had to go back to a previous page if you wanted to see another year, where now you can just click "next" and get sent to the next year's art. The "about" page was further expanded with more info about me and my interests, the blog got expanded to showing 15 max posts (as the RSS embedder doesn't show descriptions due to the old one breaking, so made it not show images as it made the page massive), and biggest of all, I FINALLY started working on the characters pages, I've only done one right now but more will be done over the next few months. The only thing that wasn't updated would be the links page, and that's because it doesn't need updating, lmao

Pretty big site overhaul
4 Kudos
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