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Category: Art and Photography

Returning to 3D! My vision and passion projects

After a long time away from home, I'm finally back to working hard to develop my 3d skills.
Unfortumately I lose access to autodesk Maya in 3 days, so I'll stick to strengthening my blender skills!

I really want to honour the old game styles and produce (or help produce) retro/styled games for peole to enjoy with the high speeds of modern gaming. I do love the look of realistic and high quality games, but there is a certain charm that games like crow county, and texas chainsaw massacre have that I'd really like to recreate.I'd rather let the people who are into making those kinds of games create them for me to enjoy, rather than going where the money may be, but also having a lack of interest in making those games myself.
It would also be great to get to learn how to make n64/ds styled games to give things a bit of a more modern look.One day I'd like to make a game for people to play on their DS (while also making it available for people to play elsewhere).

But I talk a lot about my dreams. Now I have to put in the effort to make them come true.

2 Kudos


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