Last year at this point of the year I remembered feeling like nothing mattered and like everything was going to end because I was turning 18 years old.
But now? I've had the best year of my life, I've started art school and it's actually helped me, ive made new queers friends and i got away from my small town where my queerness was going to kill. Last year i felt like nobody, but now I'm so happy that i exist, even in my worst moments, i have been to go, i have so many friends that accept me and support me, and my relationship with my family is so much better, my self-expression is better, my self-love is better than ever, everything seems to be going so great and i can't belive how last year i was so ready to end it all.
life does not end at 18, it starts at 18. it gets better.
Last year i was so sad in my room every day! Now i barely even sleep at my apartment, i have the next 5 weekends busy with parties, and most of my weekdays are me exploring my own art, going from one friend's house to another, eating tasty food, and going to free concerts. i love this moment of my life so much!!!1!!
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i hope to see the day i can feel the same way about my own life soon
good golly i stumbled upon this at the right time right place
thank you <3