I am not a fan of Google.
I don't appreciate being the product.
I despise ads and I do my best to remove Google from my life.
I try to keep my freedom for privacy.
Having said that, I got the opportunity to visit their offices in BH, the city I'm currently living in.
Here are some pictures:
I have some other, better pictures, but I don't wanna show any faces here.
I was only allowed to leisure places.
I had free lunch there.
I played Trombone Champ on a Switch they had there lol.
Also played pool.
For some reason the Android mascot is a cactus?
It was a pretty fun day.

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John Horne
In the base of **The Evil Empire (tm)** themselves? wow. hope you had a fun time :D
Right in the lion's den!
by Ernopolis; ; Report