I physically like NEED people to talk to or some shit its so boring posting blog after blog day after day doing nothing on this god forsaken platform without anything else to do

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I physically like NEED people to talk to or some shit its so boring posting blog after blog day after day doing nothing on this god forsaken platform without anything else to do
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Shack Man
Make up some imaginary friends
well idk what ur living situation is but I'd just say go outside, go where there are people (preferably those with similar interests as you), and talk to them or just do whatever.
I live in rural michigan man theres literally only old people where i live and theres nobody that has the same interests as me
by Finn; ; Report
well since it's probably gonna be really hard to find people ur age, let alone with interests similar to urs, ur just gonna have to get some interests that are gonna get you with people that you want to be friends with.
by Springle; ; Report