Hello world! I just finished my sketchbook (and I need to start posting art places) so here's a sketchbook tour! It's super fucking long. so hope you're ready for a very long scroll.
TW at top there's some mild gore and some softcore porn, sexy outfits mild nudity and titilating outfits and some lactation stuff.
With all that out of the way let's get into it!
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unfortunately I don't know where a lot of these stickers came from, any of the anime ones (except the fairy tail one) came from one of those theiving amazon sticker packs, the fairy tail sticker came from the sticker pack that comes in the fairy tail box set (also the inclusive set of stickers stickers) O don't remember where the penguin and aquatic stickers came from. The Life is for the living and bunny sticker I made. The chainmail joe sticker came from a chainmail seller.
Cover page Phoenix wright and the start and end date for the sketchbook
They're married your honor
This is some planning for a ace attorney fan game me and my friend are doing this is my character the prosecutor. The premise of the game is that his character is defending the creepypasta characters for murders they didn't do, the game culminates in slenderman being accused of tax fraud.
Redesigning the hunt twins, by redesigning I mean changing their outfits. the hair stayed the same...
Shading and life studies because I'm studious
These four drawings make use of the very horizontal sketchbook but it dosen't work as well in this image layout ; - ;
Redesign of a character I made a really long time ago, now he's part of a bigger story with the twins and a character that comes up later. His name is candy
This is that other character, his name is blossom, this isn't his final design, he dosen't have a finalized design sad.
This is Cherry! he's also part of the bigger story with the Twins! his whole deal is he used to be blossom's partner but blossom double crossed him and he got super injured/left for dead which made him loose his memory and his eye. So his personality did a 180 and he got a wolf companion who's way smarter than him and keeps him in check.
More Blossom stuff I was serious about his design never being finalized. I wanted him to have this 60s vibe, but he's also always been drawn with a trench coat and I was just never happy with the outfit.
Would you care for some homestuck?
I've always liked classic european dragons, the ones that kinda look like dogs, so I was trying to come up with my own stylized way of drawing dragons to some success
Sorry for the shit image quality those sticky notes are really vibrant and they blow the fuck out of my camera.
The killer~ this was for a english project and it's what I was planning 1 image ago.
blade of the immortal studies
expressions for a dating sim featuring mulder (the fish guy) for my friend. that I never ended up going through with. at least for now.
Jeff, Elvish and a sticky note of my friend davey's art! <3

Planning for the jeff cd cover, (I made a bunch of creepypasta playlists for my friend and burned them onto cd's made them covers and everything. check out my spotify if you want to listen to those playlists btw)
Jeffery woods!
Hi Felix!
This is me drawing a shit ton of characters from memory see if you can guess them all (also first depiction of the maskies three)
more cd cover planning and creepypasta fanart.
Purple guy fanart for a friend and captain howdy drawings, he's Felix's dad and a slasher murderer, Davey thinks he's hot for some reason so I guess this is a Davey page.
Dean Winchester study! <33333 that sticky note is how I feel about Dean Winchester btw, the man is way to similar to me.
For ren fair at some point I wanna do a foxy outfit so this was me planning on what that would look like. also. Foxy Gajinka
More Cd cover planning.
Demonic Priest oc in the style of a renassance painting (kind of.) I was thinking about paintings of saints and mary when I was doing it.
Hi Evan/ Habit! we love youuu.
Self representation/ v-tuber stuff. shout out to that one chick in my art class who thought this with the habit spread thought I was going through something dark at the time.

I love you shapey batman.
Drawing for Eddie/ drawing poking fun of Eddie. man is obsessed with the riddler from the batterson movie.
drawing was meant to go here. never ended up doing that.
Hi dog! he's a vampire
This requires slight explination, I was going through the bag that I take with me to ren fair and I didn't wanna get rid of a lot of the stuff in there so it got glued into my sketchbook as a kind of weird art spread.
planning for a painting that I haven't done yet, it was based off a dream a super religious relative had about me.
I wanted to draw Joseph Joestar and Goku in cool outfits so I had to do a shit ton of studies both of muscles and the characters. but it did me good. Horny/love of fashion is a great motivator.
Joseph is really hard to draw for some reason, also I spilled ink all over that one drawing and I think my soul left my body.
Goku studies for the drawings coming up next! I had a much easier time with him
I did the bunny suit goku in like two days but then I did the cow goku in one night. what must have been like 2 hours, I felt insane doing it. The spirit of horny entered me and I fuckn blasted through those drawings. I felt possessed. But they are by far my favorite drawings in this sketchbook.
Movie tickets! I went and saw all three of the lotr movies in theaters when they were doing that. It was a great time! I partcipated in a bit of dishonesty doing it through, smuggled candy and the same cup in for all three showings. because jesus that would have ended up being so expensive.
This is ardent, he's a wolf in a business suit. & I don't mean a furry anthro wolf, I mean a real life on four paws wolf. he's just got really strong back paws don't worry about it.
Hi joseph! I really like these outfits I never ended up inking or coloring them becasue I didn't wanna deal with the patterns.
Saw the goovie and was losing my mind over it, so when a friend asked me to explain the lore I went a bit ape shit.
Homestuck Oc carridewen. or Dew. Redesign (changed outfit)
Vegeta studies for a mirror spread to the playboy bunny goku that never happened because he was such a pain in my ass.
some planning for sonic and shadow themed clothing for a friend (Davey) the pants will hopefully be made in time for the sonic III movie but the racing jackets will have to be left for a later date.
Style Savvy inspired drawings for Dog and Vlad. But I fucked up my page spacing so the back half of Vlad's isn't inked or colored.
Me bemoaning my fuck up with the style savvy spread.
Felix Gore spread! I do one every sketchbook and this time I wanted to try a overstim painting style. It works better digitally I think.
Tamlins original design makes a return! but only for this drawing.
Light studies.
Planning and Ink for a drawing I finished digitally.
Friend wanted to do fanart of some of my character for my birthday I let him have free reign on who to choose but then I had to supplement for my lack of character sheets.
World is mine Light Yagami
L studies
Scary but sweet hare boyfriend.
The return of horny Goku.
Here's where someone let me cook, it's gakupo but I went insane doing patterning.
Vegeta in that one shirt but somethings different ;)
some planning for cringetober.
Redesigns for some very old characters, the guy with burns and the fur coat is now a member of the wild hunt and the tall guy is a fae lord. (technically the wild hunt guy is also a fae lord but whatever) they have gay things going on.
And that's the end! this was super long and a pain in the ass to do so I probably won't be doing a sketchbook tour like this again... ever but whatever everyone needs to start somewhere and my start is painstakingly doing something really tedious.
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