yeah pretty self explanatory idk just wanted to write sumthing i geuss idk absolutely no one is going to read this though lol. my areas been flooded it just hasnt hit my block yet, and no im not in flordia. i mean the flooding did cancel school for these last 2 dayz so im not complaining, i love not having school, i usally just stay inside and watch stuff or listen to music all day xD but i have been crafting more here recently like yesterday i made a gir figrue\plushie thingy outta paper it took and hour but looks okay enough although the colors r a tad off it still looks fine, i havent written to much of my book, im loykey planning one starting over even though im only on chapter five, the book just sucks ngl its about lab rats or somthing idek anymore, ive just got MAJOR writters block but usally it goes away after a while or if im writing somthing im intrested in anyways uhh good moring afternoon or night

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ᥫ᭡ ASHY ⋆ ׂ 。
I want to have the free time to do crafts, and the plushies?! What supplies? And what kind of plushies did u make
it was made out of paper and the only supplies you need is glue, scissors, makers, paper, and a crap ton of free time, hope this helps!
by t0ny th3 1d01t; ; Report