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Category: Writing and Poetry


I wont shut my fucking my mouth and I have a lot to say right now. So if you have ANY intelligence, continue and read below. BUT if you only look at pictures and cant read, then please click off my spacehey. Thanks. Now its time to talk about my favorite subject: BEAUTY. After being victimized every day for not being THIS OR THAT its time I put this shit to rest.

Popular culture, reinforced by mass media, plays a cruel, tantalizing game with us all. In its commercial mode it creates an idealized standard of human appearance impossible for 99% of us to attain and then sells us products and services to help correct, minimize or disguise our inevitable shortcomings from this air-brushed image of perfection. Though increasingly aimed at men as well, the primary target of this ongoing campaign of creative dissatisfaction has traditionally been female. It is, after all, women who have been more conditioned from early childhood to equate their destinies with their looks.

The wishful notion that with enough time, money, effort and will-power any woman can and should attempt to look like an extremely tall, young, slender-yet-big-breasted, Nordic blonde model of a certain facial bone structure more-or-less summarizes the prevailing beauty myth. Minor variations of the basic look are introduced and recycled periodically to keep more buyers in the fashionable game of adopting the latest imagery. This narrow concept of female beauty has been assimilated and perpetuated by both genders, though from quite different cultural situations. The desire for achieving the right image drives much of our media-saturated culture, especially the most impressionable, our young.

The goal of the professional image-makers is that we consumers buy all those self-improvement solutions to keep the market economy going. The unintended consequences are somewhat less benign. The beauty myth of our culture is the

in the U.S. Millions of young women suffer from chronic, health-threatening eating disorders. Some try to play the dangerous, often deadly game of becoming thin enough. Others opt out by stuffing their negative feelings with excessive, unhealthy food or deliberately making themselves less attractive. Some try to become invisible or even mutilate themselves in reaction to the idealized mold. No girl remains

Girls with DNA not programmed to fit most of the highly improbable physical characteristics of the beauty myth just give up, often in depression. Even those who come closest to attaining the current "look" tend to magnify or imagine minor "flaws" and are often the least self-satisfied of all.

and a major, diversified industry. The point being: you are being over-fucked and sold, your soul sold. And not many people seem to care. ITS ALWAYS ABOUT IMAGE and I know some of you who are hurt the most by this will counter act and try to blame it all on me BUT ITS NOT ABOUT ME. I know who and what I am. But do you? Do you know what the fuck you’re thinking, or is someone else doing it for you?

Now, when I am walking around and I see signs advertising diets or hear ads on the radio I just shudder. This just reinforces the idea that some peoples' appearances are "wrong".

What lets the normal standard of beauty exist?

Well, pick up a magazine for a minute. Flip through. Look at the ads and pictures closely. Everyone is trim as a supermodel. Turn on your television (or don't, it might not be worth the experience). Look at the sort of people who are on sitcoms. Look at the people on the news and in commercials. All trim and slim as can be. Perfect make up complexions.

I try to confront these people. Asking, what’s wrong with your head.. but it’s a disease that cant be easily fixed.

This is our culmination of Miss America? This is all very gross. How do you feel now? I guess your part is pretty obvious for what you can do to help. I just wish I didn't have to always only hear this message from women. Men are suffering from the exact same problems. They just don't have as much of a voice.

4 Kudos


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