Want to make your own tarot cards?

So basically I am sharing about a video with you in this blog that is to help you make your own set of tarot cards with 2 decks of playing cards if interested. You can do the sharpie thing like she does in the video or you can print out illustrations of them individually to put on your cards. You can even get special paper to print out stickers to do it with. Ofcourse the most available tarot cards online for free to print out easily is The Rider-Waite deck. But you can also get creative making your own deck the same way & by doing this you put your own intentions into the cards. This woman in the video I like her method a lot & figured I would share with anyone else interested.  

To find the video you can look up the title of the video: 

"DIY Tarot Deck How to Make Your Own Using Two Decks of Playing Cards and a Sharpie!!" 

Or here is the link: 


The YouTube channel is: 

Smoke Oracles 

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