I get this feeling that the internet has died a while ago. I'm not talking about the dea internet theory, though I know there is traces of it in places like facebook, but I mean overall, it feels like everyone has become so disconnected from eachother even though staying connected is easier now more than ever. Maybe I don't explore and interact with others enough online, but I still feel like mostly everything has become so commercialized and that there is always an agenda for profit, one way or another.
Everything on here is designed to take something from you, either it be your money or simply your time and I am getting so sick of it. I just want a space where everyone can just chill, talk about whatever and post whatever just because it is something they care about.
Maybe I am just too pessimistic or something. idk
The internet has destroyed so many things. One of which that really hurts is art. Art is dead. and greed and laziness killed it. Well thats a bit harsh, of course you can still find amazing creators, I just wonder why we are being fed mostly flaming hot garbage in the movies, in shows, music, everywhere.
The answer seems to always come down to one thing. Money. Makes the world go round I guess. I just wonder what can be done about it?? Not much in the grand scheme of things, but I don't think it matters. There will always be people creating beautiful works and I want to focus on uplifting these people and what they do and the authenticity of it all, because without art, what is even the point
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This is so unbelievably true. Even on platforms designed to make friends, I feel so disconnected and like everyone is in their own selective little bubble. Even when I go out of my way to try to meet people they seem confused why I do. The internet doesn't seem dead but more like empty. I don't know if people know how to use it anymore. : (