I mourn her fall.
The approaching winters breath
brings falling leaves,
she too mourns the view from the moon
where her spirits once lived.
She misses dancing with the sun;
It’s nothing but darkness
with your feet in the mud.
The stars don’t shine in the city.
Where did she go?
The aching chill sinks its teeth
into her bones.
Darkness engulfs the memories
Of existence outside of the walls she built
to keep away the cold.
She covers the cracks between the planks
And lights a match.
It’s not the same with the shadows overwhelming her universe
The boarded windows hide the sky’s infinity.
A sliver of hope
The fallen snow doth melt
Trailing puddles where it’s lived.
Her hurt floods streets
Leaving sewer drains inept
But only for a moment
For soon enough in the shelter she built
To protect her from the cold
There’s a window.
The crisp air has passed by now.
Breathe in the warmth.
Bask in the light.
It will all be okay.
The cicadas song echoes
reminding us of summers gleam
Even in the darkness the sky twinkles
She puts her bitter cold in a little box
To bury along the beach.
The sand is hot to touch and the water gives new life.
She puts summers magic in a locket
And wears it near her heart
To remember the waters gifts.
Embrace the ultra violets protection from your shadow and the feelings at its back.
Embrace the memories made in infinity,
But promise me to keep them safe from the colds amnesia.
- Seasons
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I usually don't like poets but yours is great