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Category: Life

Howdy Hi Hello Hey How's it going!

Hi and hello! I lost my password for a moment there, but I am back! And I have some fun stuff to ramble about! First and foremost, Finalfest was AMAZING!! I got to play it with everyone I love, and we had a blast! We all got to witness the final concert together in realtime, and let me tell you it was a Magical experience :o). We may not have won, but we had a ton of fun! We were team present! The teams really made me think outside of the game, too. When I think of the present I think about all the lovely people I have in my life and how I enjoy living in the moment alongside them! I don't think that's what they meant, but that's how I like to interpret it heehee! Quite honestly I feel bad for team future. My jaw fell open when the results were on, it was. Insane. But I still hope they had fun reguardless of the outcome!

Next up is about Animal Jam! I picked the game back up and I am going places!! I got myself a membership and started to make what are called Masterpieces, which is art that can be turned into neat things like den art (a den is like your house heehee), wallpaper, and flooring! I discovered that there is a thriving art community in AJ, and I think i've made it big for someone who started doin' it a month ago! I've gotten nothing but support and kindness from the people in game, and it truly means the world to me :o) If i'm being quite honest I had a bad complex when it came to art before joining, I genuinely couldn't fathom the idea of another person outside my friend group wanting to buy the things I create, but they have and it's really helped me get over things like that! (I'm even doing commissions!! :oD I absolutely love the range of characters i'm asked to draw each week!!) I hope none of that sounded like gloating, I genuinely don't mean it like that, i'm just really grateful that i'm able to do this and that it makes people happy :o)

I think that's all for now! Thank you for readin' if you have, take care now!

(EDIT: I LIED!!! there is one more thing I am oh so excited for!!! A certain yellow fellow is both being released and coming to my home at the beginning and end of october.. The Wally Darling 2.0 plush, and the Happy Haunting Wally Darling plush! I wouldn't normally buy this many of the same plush, but my Welcome Home autism is strong haha! I blame the muppets XoD. Alrighty, that's it for now, have a good one!!)

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