MLP G5 Magic Issues

OKAY, SO I have nothing against G5 inherently, but as someone who knows a ungodly amount about the G4 magic system, their misrepresentation of it pisses me off. This wouldn't be a problem had they followed other generations steps in starting a fully new series, even if reinterpreting or reusing characters like past gens did, but because they wanted money, they share the same universe. This creates MAJOR problems when it comes to magic, because while G4 had its problems, G5 threw some of the basic rules out the fucking window.

Firstly, the main thing that induced my rage: Earth ponies magic. Little known fact, earth ponies do have magic, no matter how weak it is. All ponies have to have a least some magic in order to get cutie marks, and earth ponies are shown to have unique abilities that unicorns and pegasi do not. Heres a list of unique traits between all 4 species of pony: 


  • Horns
  • Levitation
  • Ability to cast spells (somewhat cutie mark dependent)
  • Ability to create/modify spells (cutie mark dependent)
  • Increased mental dexterity (somewhat cutie mark dependent)


  • Wings
  • Flight
  • Can walk on clouds (without a spell)

Earth ponies (all somewhat cutie mark dependent):

  • Increased strength
  • Increased ability to work with soil
  • Increased running speed
  • Increased physical dexterity


  • All of the above, with increases
  • Tend to be taller then most ponies and have incredibly strong magic

People tend to forget about this, even show creators, which I honestly don't blame them for. But in G5, they gave earth ponies magic that was just unicorns growing magic but with their hoof and huh????? If they wanted to make earth ponies more goated theres way more they could do.

I was gonna write more but I got lazy :P

0 Kudos


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