So shortly after writing yesterdays entry i was like: oh fuck this is negative as shit. I was supposed to write about my experience at the mall eating chinese food with my sister and shit and instead i spent half the post ranting about songs that annoy me because they get played on the radio too much. I promised myself i wont let myself indulge in that type of hater mentality anymore. I wanna get along with everyone and be chill with everyone yknow.
Ive just been superhyperfocused on the idea of feeling awesome all the time. apart from this site and like the two youtube videos i watch per week i am not on social media anymore. that shit only exists to make you stupid. talk to me about the last tiem you spent 2 hours on twitter looking at fucking topsters or like boykisser edits or whatever the kids are into nowadays and you thought "oh hey, that felt really good!!" really most shit nowadays only exists to make you miserable. i quit coffee, ive been going to sleep early and waking up early. been reading and shit. will prob start working out soon. oh yeah and also fuck porn DO NOT WATCH THAT SHIT that shit is literally mind poison thats how you end up on a vitaly compilation. ok bye.

day 4: Positive Energy
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