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Category: Blogging

adding SH scars to characters and why its a good coping mechanism (✿˘ω˘)˘ε˘˶ )


I saw a blog earlier today about how it's "glamorizing" self harm. I disagree.

 I know nobody is gonna listen to me given the account i'm posting on but please hear me out.

 I've been told time and time again to not add self harm scars to my characters or to add a TW. this is so insensitive to me, 

would you tell someone to cover up their scars-their BODY all because you're triggered?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)︻̷┻̿═━一-  like y'all are pissing me AWFF

 other people aren't responsible for your triggers, if you don't like don't interact. I like to give characters and my ocs features that are mine. telling me to not add SH scars is inappropriate this is my body. I really don't understand why people care at all, if a drawing of someone with scars makes you wanna relapse you weren't ever truly recovered or something else is going on you gotta figure out because fiction shouldn't effect you to DO ANYTHING.

let people feel represented and seen. self harm scars are taboo and a lot of people feel the need to hide them to avoid an awkward conversation. scars aren't something to hide. don't be ashamed of what you've been through.


adding scars to a character only makes people feel seen, it does NOT add to the population of cutters, if someone cuts when they see sh art then they were going to do it anyways.

say it with me fellas fiction doesn't effect reality unless you let it and if you let it, you need to work on that.

I remember someone commented "are the scars really necessary?" is your comment necessary? this is MY BODYYY and drawing scars that are fully healed shouldn't effect you. and don't be a fucking weirdo and comment stuff about how u can't draw scars, stop interacting with shit you don't like omfg its so fucking simple. 

someone even tried to be like nice as if they were still in the right like bro idk what to tell you if you get triggered by my art but that's not my responsibility? im busy dealing with my own triggers thx. 

if you really cared abt people self harming then go and ask if they need SUPPORT, if you think they're struggling why are you gonna then comment hate ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ) make it make sense.


-Jenny °₊·ˈ∗♡


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