NO EXAM!! HORRARY!! so what am i gonna do with my time?
well, I gotta study for my physical lab exam (microscopes and junk! my fav!!)
and of course I gotta start planning new social media!! I've already sewn some seeds on a new acc, but as for twitter? it's my home! i've nestled in nicely!!
im also having fun with microns! i'm just looking into some kinda pen i can carry with me that lets me color in like these juicy highlighters, just without the bulk!! Outside of my Um Jammer Lammy art, I'd love to make some stuff about my experience with the whole "screw loose" thing. I dont owe anyone a peak into my basket case of a mind, but its fun to create fun glimpses!! so i think imma try that soon enough!!!
also. whoever told me that sprayable deodorant was a good alternative to gel... when I get my hands on you.. YOU LIAR!!!!!! LIARRR!!!!!!!!!! In my defense, I bought this comically large stick of deodorant and it's served me well for years. when I tell you this thing was LONG I mean it. I think it was like, part of a survival kit or something? like it was meant to be something that lasted for super duper long time? bunker-style! I wish I knew what it was because it was a blessing to have. Sadly, the label was scratched off in a fit of boredom. curses!! anyways, here's my lecture doodle from today!! strange creatures hehee

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