Fri, September 27th
I've never written a blog before.. so help me out? I suppose I'd just like to talk about my life.. but I've yet to really figure most of it out.. so am I supposed to vent on here.. or talk about my day or.. anything and all things? It's windy and rainy where I am! How about you? (:
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You can do whatever you want on blogs. If you want to vent do that. If you want to just talk about your day you can do that too. Or you can do both. It doesn't really matter. Just do what you want. It's not really windy or rainy here anymore after Hurricane Helene passed us already.
oh wow~ I wasn't expecting someone to respond! I'm sorry that the hurricane hit you guys! :c We're still experiencing the after-math I suppose! Good to know, thank you!
by Opal; ; Report
Didn't mean hit! meant passed, sorry!
by Opal; ; Report