I have been extremely high, exploiting classic Skyrim with a few mods
like frostfall, ineed, unbound, some challenge, difficulty realism mods
and on legendary difficulty.
Right now I'm trying to do the fortify restoration loop, but I'd like to become a vampire necromage.
SWM.esp is Speed Weight Mechanic, for Morrowind style inventory weight.
My game is on lowest graphics, but with the view distance maxed.

My Skyrim character, screenshots and mod list
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this is so cool! i play skyrim on my switch so i cant mod, but i love seeing the different things you can do on it!!
Have you played stardew valley on switch?
Modding skyrim is so much fun I changed the game to have skills/classes like morrowind/oblivion/daggerfall.
by oUbLiEtTe_MoOnHaRvEsT; ; Report