My life USED to be amazing, green grass, air was smooth and clean, sun was shining
That was until I met a man.
I have that same man constantly down my neck about everything and it is SO FUCKING IRRITATING!
"Oh you listen to [so and so], You know that's MY favourite song right?"
"Oh you play [so and so], you know I WOULD HAVE been playing now if I knew where to get it / if I had the money for it"
"Oh you've watched [so and so], I finished it twice and know how many dirt molecules are on the feet of each actor and what specific wood is in the walking sticks owned by their parents"
And EVERY conversation, if i said like anything to react with, he'd instantly jump forward and start using it, not that I'm trying to gatekeep words but like does it not get awkward when you say a certain something and then suddenly its being used after EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE FOR DAYS ON END?? EVEN FOR PHRASES OR SENTENCES THAT DONT NEED IT TO BE USED????? I don't know about you guys but it drives me mental
As well as him turning every single conversation oddly sexual, into an argument or an ego battle
I'm going to try and finish a scrapped edit I have and remove every trace of him from my life, I've been wanting to get this off my chest for so long
heres this for cheerful spirits
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