changing schools was always my worst nightmare, i just hate the feeling of new and change and being scared of what comes next, yet i still hated where i was, physically and mentally, since 2022 i hated almost everything at my previous school and yet i knew it still felt like home, ive been there for 8 years in total and i knew everyone, all the drama had stopped and we actually kinda learned how to appreciate each other, they got used to me, you know dressing more.. emo? it really isnt that, they look at the past and laugh for how they thought of everything, and you know on a random day 2 weeks before school finished i texted my dad to pick me up from school early, it was hot and there were 31 people screaming in the class so can you blame me? when the secretary came in and told me my dad was here i was like finally.. i dont even remember what i did before, i couldve been working on a project or maybe we were about to have a class.. no idea but i do remember the secretary telling me "the principle is angry with you dalia, just apologise." i felt ignorant and confused but i didnt take it as a big deal, btw the principal always had her d1ck up my 4ss, like in 4th grade i wore a skirt for picture day and she told me i look like im going to the club and cancelled the pictures for my entire grade, like what the fuck. anyway back to the point, i came in and she came up to me all fast and angry like "how do you feel" i said sick "what are you supposed to do when youre sick" go to the nurse i told her "AND WHAT DID YOU DO" "i called my dad im sorry"
BLABLBABLA AND DONT WEAR MAKEUP NEXT TIME ILL WASH YOUR FACE and she puts her hand all up in my face and rubs it, now i was sad but obviously i knew what i did was wrong, dramatic much but ok, even when i was a good student this bitch hated me, so i go up to my dad and im scared, i have no idea how he will react to this... "hi baba" "is this how she always talks to you?" "yeah shes kind of like this to everyone" then my arabic teacher comes up trying to make the situation better, "yes shes harsh but we all love your daughter, shes such a sweetie!" my dad is pleased but because my principle didnt even have the respect to say hi to my dad, ignoring my dads position but thats kind of basic human respect. he told me to go in the car and wait for him there, im taking my phone from the secratary and i hear the principle behind me talking in arabic, she knows i understand and everyone knows shes going too far. "THIS ISNT NORMAL, SHE JUST WANTS ATTENTION AND THIS BITCH IS TOO LAZY TO GO TO SCHOOL" i get out of the school and my dad opens the door to the car for me, then he tells me "dont cry about this, we both know what you did is wrong but the disrespect she had towards us isnt any better." he leaves and i start crying, i dont know whats going to happen next, i didnt know actually, my mom told me he "hummiliated" her in front of every teacher, but i can only imagine what they mean by that, on my last day of school i went to hug my arabic teacher, i wasnt sure if i was moving but my heart was pretty clear. she told me "take care of yourself" and that had me crying, none of my friends found out i moved schools until the last few days of summer, honestly i wanted to come up to a few teachers and students but idk, my heart didnt feel the very need to, plus all the teachers were cruel.
now my first week at this new school was hell, pure hell. it was so scary, so different. the school is fancy, its close to my house i literally walk to school every morning, only 12 people in class and they can only entertain themselves with drama, the smallest thing makes a big deal, my childhood best friend moved away and on the night of my first day of school i had a panic attack, i didnt sleep at all that entire week, second day me and my mom had a fight with my dad and he overreacted because i can stand up for myself, but in this household hes the alpha leader whatever the fuck he sees himself as but i dont want to live by those rules, he told me i should only obey him like shut the fuck up oh my god hes such a fucking hipocrite and narcissist and dosent even want to listen.
but whatever, everything seems to be better now, in the end its not so bad and ill get used to it, at first it felt like i ruined my own life, i lost everything, traded my family and home for a fancy cool school, but i knew i was going to feel that way before the thought even struck up, and i know it was all meant to happen anyway, it all happened so fast too, the decision and feelings all caught up, but ill be okay:)
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i read most of this in jeckas voice on accident and it fits rlly well here Dx i mean no offense in that btw i hope this doesnt sound weird ^^'
omg i love u
by 𝑳𝒊𝒂 ♥; ; Report
xDD tysmm!! mwah! xP <3<3<3
by crimson; ; Report
by 𝑳𝒊𝒂 ♥; ; Report
by 𝑳𝒊𝒂 ♥; ; Report