Poulover165's profile picture

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Category: Friends

Friends +social media

Honestly friendships are deader than ever. Its so hard to find friends and even online too. People seem to care less and less. They just seem more ruder every day. People tend to think that you're flirting with them if you're just being nice, like no cunt I'm trying to be your friend not trying to be something more than that. 

I wish this website was more active with people and popularity. This is soo much better than Instagram where it's just crawling with weirdos and just those sexual people trying to promote their stuff to minors. 

I struggle so much to make friends either because they don't put effort into the friendship, online or not, or they just completely put their partner above everyone else. Don't get me wrong, you can have a partner, but I do not want to hear about them 24/7 or for you to cancel plans for them or for you to make them your whole personality.

I also struggle with people just using to me rant, they only talk to me to rant then dip until they get another issue that they can't talk to anyone about. I especially get sooo irritated when someone comes to me asking for advice just for them to not take it at all, like you did not just waste my time and make me waste my words just for you to not listen at all? 

It's just so draining at this point and I'm just wondering how did we even get to this point? Is it because of social media? Is it because of the lockdown? Is it because of how people were raised? Is it all of the above? Anyways...

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Noodle_Soup's profile picture

i think that this situation its not of the social media,its something that has always been going on

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Noodle_Soup's profile picture

i think that this situation its not of the social media,its something that has always been going on

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I think it definitely has gotten worse because of social media but yeaa. I feel like ever since covid it just made everything soo bad.

by Poulover165; ; Report


teeheesillytime's profile picture

in freshman year I was best friends with these two seniors who r twins and it was legit the best. Now im a sophomore and they’re both in college, however they commute there so it’s not what’s separating us. I haven’t seen them in over a month because besides college and work it looks like they really only hang out with their boyfriends now and it fucking hurts. I hate seeing them post their dumb photos of them and their partners and I feel like I’ve been replaced. And I know it’s not out of bad intent, in fact I think they want to hang out again but I believe they aren’t actually putting in effort to do so, especially after they were free to go to a football game w me on a Friday, but the game was actually on a Thursday and when I said we could do something else Friday, they said they would let me know and never did. I’m just not gonna bother talking to them anymore, I’m making new friends in school anyway
So yeah that’s my rant on it, cause the partner thing is real

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Honestly it sucks because they just seem to lead you on whenever they said they would get back to you. I wish people would just say that they aren't up to it instead of getting your hopes up and wasting your time. And it's the worst whenever they post their partner whenever they cancel plans to be with them. Like you spend so much time with them already, can't you make time for your friends?

by Poulover165; ; Report

no literally, its so infuriating and honestly if something happens and im back in their life again, i may just tell them that this wont work out cause im not gonna be pushed away by u for months while you hang with your bf, only for you to now want to hang out cause you have time again or whatever like tf :/

by teeheesillytime; ; Report

Honestly I get how you feel but I think if you have the chance you should talk to them about it if you feel like that friendship is even worth having. But I really do understand how you feel, I lost two friends of 5+ years because they started dating and only talked about their boyfriend/made their boyfriend their whole personality/only spending time with them. It really does hurt

by Poulover165; ; Report

im seeing them at a Halloween party next week so maybe it will open an opportunity? one of them was also texting me about if i went to homecoming last night so ill possibly have a chance soon

by teeheesillytime; ; Report


meer 's profile picture

i got back stabbed by my own best friend and she framed me of sexualise two teachers, it was hard to find friends after that because theres even a rumor started that i had liked some teachers aswell.

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I am so sorry about that, I get it though. Whenever I was in school, there was so many rumors about me coming from my own best friends and guys that I didn't want to be with. I hope that you find some genuine friends, wishing you the best<3

by Poulover165; ; Report

we both became friends back actually, i decided to forgave her because i also did something wrong and caused a misunderstanding.

by meer; ; Report

I'm glad everything worked out in the end!! So happy for you

by Poulover165; ; Report


by meer; ; Report


bellad0nna.sc3ne's profile picture

I honestly feel the same! Im kinda antisocial online, but js in general I feel like in real life, if you try to become friends with someone out of school, it's like you're an alien to them. Im pretty good at making friends irl, but people in this day and age are so.. ugh..

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Honestly yess, people don't know how to act or even know how to maintain friendships now. Sometimes people are so rude and unforgiving when you make some mistakes while they can be the rudest people you could ever encounter.

by Poulover165; ; Report


meli!!'s profile picture

BEST BLOG POST IVE EVER SEEN???? holy shit anyways. im so heavy on the relationships part. like?? i hear about my friend's relationships 24/7 or one of my friends will be on call w their s/o and texting in the gc "OMG they said ___!" or "they did ____!" and its actually so draining

and,, friendships dont even exist anymore.. its either strangers or lovers and no in between,, it sucks because i see friendships a LOT more meaningful than relationships, and friendships just.. they just hit different idk

but maybe im being salty because ive never actually been in a relationship,, lmao,,,...

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Nooo you're not being salty at all. Honestly, most relationships don't last whenever you're young, so why would people put so much effort into it if they would like to forget about it whenever they break up?? Like friendships are harder to make now because people value the partner love wayy more than friendship love. They do not think friendships need maintaining when it needs the same amount of effort as a relationship with a less of a chance of yall falling apart. And it gets soo annoying whenever they talk about their partner only, like I'm talking to you because I want to hear about you and I like YOUR personality, not your partner

by Poulover165; ; Report


Jamlpe's profile picture

literally the most relatable blog post ever. im so damn cold and lonely lol

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Dude same! It sucks because I practically missed out on my teenage years because its soo hard to make friends

by Poulover165; ; Report


Nyeinsu's profile picture

the post and the comments have struck a chord with me so i'm writing this comment. i have never been a social person since i was (and is still) a pretty shy person so i didn't have many friends growing up. i usually feel like my friendships tend to fizzle out after a while despite me putting effort to maintain it, and once it fizzles out, the other person simply doesn't seem to care anymore. i have contacts with two of my irl friends, and even with them, i feel this wall of unspoken distance between us, as if we're on different chapters of our lives.

surprisingly i found interacting with people online more easier than offline, and have meet some cool people on here. so that's a plus, i guess. i felt like this only happened to me with nonreciprocal friendships, but reading your post made me feel less alone. thank you.

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I am so glad that this helped you feel less alone! I just want to bring awareness to this especially since I have noticed that a lot when I was growing up. And same here with my irl friends, most of them just talk about themselves or they don't try to get too personal. I wish people weren't too scared to get personal, that's how people can bond and become friends. And I have met some amazing people now due to this website, I hope that you can find some friends that are true, sending you the best in life<3

by Poulover165; ; Report


Rooby's profile picture

Honestly, I joined this site cause I was tired of social media as well but still wanted a place to post pics and interact. Like I feel like the reason why Instagram is so bad isBECAUSE it's so big. I feel like if this site gets huge it might become like that as well so I kinda hope it doesn't.

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Honestly yeah, I just wish it was little bit more active with the users, I hope it doesn't get too big though due to the new "rage bait" people are using now.

by Poulover165; ; Report


mira's profile picture


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ThaBaddie_'s profile picture

I agree with you, it is soo sad. The moment that i sense that im going to be the only one putting in all the effort i just stop contacting the person then if nothing change, i just leave. Nothing is worst than being stuck in the same pattern over and over again. My bubble is so small, So im now very careful with who im friends with in general. Its a sad lesson learned.

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Girl honestly same! The amount of "friends" I have claiming that we are close but haven't texted unless it's so rant or ask for advice just to not take it is soo annoying. I only have like two friends now because of it. I've just stopped looking for new friends because it just ends up with them not putting effort

by Poulover165; ; Report

I understand, having 2 friends is better than feeling alone with like 10" friends". Also i love your profile layout !

by ThaBaddie_; ; Report

Omgg thank youuu!! I really love your pfp and your layout! Love you for that<3

by Poulover165; ; Report


arentcatsthecutest4's profile picture

this! it's becoming so hard to make friends online, no matter what platform I try they never last longer than a few days (few months if they're somewhat active on the app/website and I'm really lucky).

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off topic but ur prof is soo cute

by a.martyr4u; ; Report

Samee omg and no what I do or even the platform I use, they never last long. IT SUCKSSS

by Poulover165; ; Report

thankyouu to the first reply <33

by arentcatsthecutest4; ; Report

omggg ofcc<3 btw I really love your username!!

by Poulover165; ; Report


arentcatsthecutest4's profile picture

this! it's becoming so hard to make friends online, no matter what platform I try they never last longer than a few days (few months if they're somewhat active on the app/website and I'm really lucky).

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smiledawgg's profile picture

this!!! i joined this platform to hopefully make aome more meaningful friendships online, and though i dont have much expirience on here, i know other places its bbeen hard to do that :( im hoping to have more luck here since it seems more friend/interest based? but yeah, i totally agree. platonic connections feel so underrated nowadays, they are so incredibly meaningful and beautiful. glad to see someone agreeing!

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Honestly I'm so glad you agree! I just hope that I can find more friends on here and for it to be more active. I hope you find some meaningful friends on here<3

by Poulover165; ; Report

me too!! thank you, I hope you're able to find some good friends as well :]]

by smiledawgg; ; Report


samerith_gets_scared's profile picture

i noticed its way harder to intentionally make friends than unintentionally do it. im pretty sure thats how it is both online and irl but with it being the internet i wouldve thought itd be easier to find people/friends and make friends intentionally. ive made a number of friends online throughout the years that lasted/have lasted years, it definitely is possible, but thats it just happening on its own. when i go out of my way to try to make friends either somehow i can barely find people with similar interests or i do or dont but it seems like they either arent interested in making friends or its just hard to get past the awkward we just met, youre basically a stranger phase. making friends online intentionally is WAY harder than i thought itd be

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THIS!! don't even try to make friends imo. Just vibe and express yourself and the people ill come to you..

by Rooby; ; Report


kilianvampirexxo's profile picture


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by Poulover165; ; Report


SparkLLey★'s profile picture

gurrlll i understand you, i feel like you when we talk about friends, i think sometimes it's too hard to have friends while i have a million of scars, the people can be rude about so sometimes i think i'ts my fault and i deserve that treat, i think the online friends are sooo dificult to find, but i think their are cool for some reasons because in my case, i can be myself with them (there's not online friends in my life :d HAHA), i think that find a real friend is so rare and sometimes when we just want to have friends we left us, we sometimes change so that someone else likes us, have friends it's dificult, have social anxiety it's dificult, i hate when the people think i want to be more than friends, like, no, you're not that important to me, you're not the center of the earth

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I'm so glad you understand! And honestly same, when people are rude to me I just assume they have a bad day and don't say anything. And don't even get me started on people thinking I want something more from them, like I just like to compliment you I promise I didn't want anything more than that. Why do people think that now whenever you compliment them? Especially the opposite gender.

by Poulover165; ; Report

Statiscit 🍉

Statiscit 🍉's profile picture

I feel like when it comes to this issue it’s usually on me since I have a hard time socialising in the real world and am very selective on the people I talk to online and it doesn’t help either how easy it is to just stop interacting with someone on the internet. But there definitely is a lot of factors that play into this issue, most of which you had mention. The pandemic caused some people to lack proper social skills and now that it’s over it’s hard to find online friends since not everyone is on places like Discord as often anymore, so there’s people like the rest of us struggling to find some sort of connection. There’s also this whole mutual culture where you don’t really interact with these people too much (maybe you do with very specific users) but you follow them and they follow back and sometimes that’s as far as it goes if u don’t make the first move to talk first

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Trust me I get what you mean. Honestly though people also drop friends so easily now not realizing you have to put effort into friendships as well. I've had a few friends that dropped me since their boyfriend didn't want them to have friends or drop me for some silly disagreement about some show. I don't get how people don't realize friendships take effort.

by Poulover165; ; Report

I’ve had a friend sort of drop me because I was “part of a dark time in her life” and I had to know this by confronting her on a whole different account since she blocked me on my actual one. Of course there was more to this story like the fact the friendship was now long distance since I moved away to the other side of the globe but it does feel like she never cared too much at all. Maybe she did at some point but that time has long gone and until then I was just taking the place of people she’d soon replace

by Statiscit 🍉; ; Report

I'm really sorry about that. i hope you find people that do care about you and that you find better friends. Her logic was weird but if she truly wanted a new start with everything, she could have at least told you since you were there for her in some of her lowest moments.

by Poulover165; ; Report

It really did suck but she told me that part of the reason she never told me was because she thought it’d be too late then and I’d be mad when she did so she just never said anything until I did. Either way it’s been ages anyway

by Statiscit 🍉; ; Report