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Category: Romance and Relationships

It was desperation not love

I broke up with my bf like an hour ago and our relationship only lasted 2 weeks

I'm listening 2 the advice I've been receiving cuz no way in hell I'm letting thoes red flags slide
1. He said he's been busy all week which is why he hasn't been responding but he posted on his insta story twice
2. One of the stories had a girl and normally he ends his msgs 2 me with an "x" 2 indicate a kiss but when he tagged the girl he had an x @ the end AND the song she used in her vid was a love song
3. I asked him abt the story asking if it was a friend of his and he left me on read
4. When I checked his insta following (he follows like 1k+ ppl) SO MANY OF THEM WERE GIRLS OUR AGE + cosplayers)
5. Earlier when I was in the process of sending my breakup text I noticed he unfollowed + removed me as a follower from insta and unfriended me on Discord (didn't block me on any tho)

I realize now I truly was desperate 4 romance. Now that I rlly think abt it I don't think I truly luvd him. I noticed I didn't feel the same abt him like I did the first few days "d8ing" him
I was worried 4 falling out of luv but at least I told him and broke it off when I realized I didn't actually luv him/realized he was being shady
Honestly I'm not sad, just a bit angry, but ultimately I'm just pretty disappointed (like a dad lol)
This is why I didn't wanna d8 online lmao

It felt weird 4 me 2 say I luv u 2 som1 romantically anyways. I say ily 2 my bsf way more naturally lmfaooa
But yea idrc but I'm not gonna get blinded by desperation and stay with some1 who was prolly cheating anyways
Talk abt a shitty 1st "bf" (I don't even think I'm gonna consider this a 1st relationship it was so unreal lol)
I 4got abt him alot anyways so oh well I'm not gonna mope over a dude I've basically only dated 4 like a week

If anything it's like a burden lifted off my shoulders
I don't have 2 worry/stress abt what he's doing or why he's not texting anymore
I never did anything 2 him either so idfk y he stopped liking me lmaoo

But ermmmm yea emo/aussie dudes hmu /hj

2 Kudos


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miauk17's profile picture

Literally I saw the title and I was like "D: something happened". Sadly, I kinda expected this (or something similar) to happen :( ooh the strange world of online dating xd.
I really get that desperation feeling tbh (never had a relationship too) Lonely hearts gotta be more careful, sadly :/
At least its a experience that you can learn a lot of! im sure the next time (well, like you said, the true first time xd) your in a relationship it will be WAAAY better than this!!!

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yeaaa this was a pretty good learning experience but 1 I'm def not proud of LOL
next time will be better <33

by HappyTinyCat; ; Report


cleo!!'s profile picture

god this is so real
i stopped online dating bc i realize that it was only desperate ppl and not ppl actually looking for real love
and besides idek if i truly LIKE the person or not
but i kinda dont like dating irl either bc i get rejected sm i legit got rejected by the same guy TWICE....

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Ugh literallyyy some ppl just suck ://
I'm just glad I got out of it when as fast as I could
Also V for Vendetta fan spotted!! I luv that movie sooooo much

by HappyTinyCat; ; Report

v for vendetta is so good!! it made me cry on an airplane tho

by cleo!!; ; Report

no fr the ending gets me emotionalll
I luv it soooooo much I never get bored watching it <33 hooray 4 anti-government shenanigans I luv it

by HappyTinyCat; ; Report