Have you watched Transformers One?

Am i the only one who has watched Transformers One and copes with Megatron??

I mean, i get it. Maybe destroying the entire Iacon city wasn´t a noble act, but, if you had the opportunity to kill Hitler after all he did, wouldn´t you?

That´s what D-16 was doing guys!!! Sentinel prime used him his entire life as a non-salary worker, he was literally like a slave because miners couldn´t transform and he EVEN let people to look down on them just for not having a cog. And guess what? Not having a cog wasn´t EVEN they´re fault!!! Sentinel just literally MUTILATES them right after they´re born just to make them work until they´re spark turns off. 

And not to mention, he KILLED the original primes just to conceive their power, took off Megatronus cog from his chest and the Matrix from Zetá´s with he´s bare hands, he created the miners to keep his reign of terror, gave practically the entire population of cybetron to the Quintessons to make with them as he wanted, do i have to continue? 

He was a LITERAL DEMON, and D-16 wasn´t even gonna end him in a cruel way. Just a blast, a single blast that would end with the life of a cybertronian who has done so much pain, and what does de dumbass of Orion pax said? 

"You´re not like him :,,,(" Like, C´mon!!!

Obviusly you´re not like him! that is why you´re killing him! And then Orion pax just goes on trying to be ALWAYS a fricking hero and sacrifyces HIMSELF to save HITLER??? If i were D-16, that would crack me finally up to. 

If you think about it, Orion Pax was an horrible friend in this movie. He didn´t listen to D-16 in any way. It was always Orion Pax´s needs and desires of greatness, while D-16 was being always dragged and put his own spark in danger just to make Orion happy. And then, Orion didn´t know how to talk to his emotional destroyed "bff" çause he was SOOOOO busy thinking about saving the world. :c

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