how do you guys feel about fast fashion guys...
also do you guys judge other ppl for buying it?
tell me your thoughts because i have a project about it
how do you guys feel about fast fashion guys...
also do you guys judge other ppl for buying it?
tell me your thoughts because i have a project about it
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Fast fashion sucks. It is terrible for the environment, cheaply made, and often made by exploited child workers. I don't judge people for buying fast fashion if it's all they can afford, but if somebody has the ability to buy clothing from places that don't sell fast fashion yet continues to buy fast fashion, then I am more likely to judge them.
yeah I could never judge but thrifting and upcycling is a option too
by unicreamcake; ; Report
Chaos Conspiracies
it can be ok but limited lifespans of garments can be problematic also its a enviormental issue like Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers but idc who buys it its their choice not mine