:33 < hey!!
:33 < i haven't done this in a bit.. mainly outta 4getfulness but i didn't 4get this time!! cuz this was honestly one of my favorite thrift visits despite not finding any clothing. you'll see what i mean!!
:33 < this cute throw blanket was i think five dollars, but was twenty five percent off. its a bit small but its okay cuz i wanted 2 use it on my little couch that i have in my room :33
:33 < next, we have this 2003 bratz planner!! this was a random find 2 be honest, fred (my sibling) found it outta nowhere while i was looking 4 cds and was like 'hey this is kinda cool' n gave it 2 me, and realizing it wasn't in bad shape i brought it. it was a bit dirty so i cleaned it with alcohol wipes, however sometime this week i want 2 try and get the front 2 work! the front serves as a calculator, matchmaker, and a mbti test!
:33 < lastly.. my favorite find that made this thrift find a favorite... AN ORIGINAL 1998 FURBY. i found him sitting alone in the toys aisle, the minute i found him i ran up 2 him and SNATCHED HIM. HE WAS MINE. his fur color is called 'witches cat' and i think he's a generation 1 furby. i named him Scarecrow :33
i had 2 skin him and get him clean, because he did smell like smoke. there's a 50/50% chance he can't make noise or work at all but there's barely any battery corosion in it unlike the bratz planner so there's hope..
heres how he looked when i found him and here's how he is right now (older pictures except 4 the fur)
:33 < the total... uuhmm.. notice how i didn't list prices! this thrift visit was like two weeks ago and all the tags are already removed. but i know i came with 20 bucks and only used around 10 bucks, so i think these were cool finds.
x33 <anyway yes!! thx 4 reading, ill try not 2 take 2 long 4 the next thrift find blog
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Statiscit 🍉
The front of the Bratz planner serving as a calculator, matchmaker and mbti test is so random
Truly the real and original girlblogger essential we all need