my dear aphrodite
enchanting daughter of
the gods, i pray you; solicit above
your alter scattered in seashells,
address the blessings i ask of
through fleeting sparrow’s wings,
afford sweet fawns – of all things
in the sense of meek, graceful girls
to weave bouquets and glide their
fingertips among my skin, to bear
the heaviness of lust upon my breath
when our passions commit
seraphic goddess, i ask knelt in roses
to love now – and for forever,
to frisk my tongue, grant it clever
spells of endearment to entice even
the most alluring of angels, let dew
born itself on their flowers through
heavenly midnights as you watch
my hair strung with your every gift,
as its waves fall back and caress
my spine beneath a tempting nightdress
when she puts two fingers to her lips to taste
the salt of your mediterranean sea
celestial spirit, bless the lass i loved before
send a dove’s feather in her wake
to whisk away my faith for the sake
of moving forward; divine, feminine beings..

damsels of devotion
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adam axemurder
NEW VIXA POEM DROPPED!!!! i almost forgot how good a writer you are omggg *_* i <3 this
by xVixa_Voguexx; ; Report
omg I loved it
waaaaaa i love it
by xVixa_Voguexx; ; Report
xeviant (on break)
DA POETRY KWEEN HAS RETURNED!!!! This is awesome dude :D
by xVixa_Voguexx; ; Report