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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

A Punk Guide to Music, DIY, and Lifestyle

A Punk Guide to Music, DIY, and Lifestyle

First off, a few things:

You don't have to dress punk to be punk.

You don't have to only listen to punk.

You can't be a billionaire  and be punk.

Punk is and always will be political.

Punk is acceptance.

DIY Stuff!! Don't feed into a consumerist life

It's always better to shop small and avoid giving more money to big corporations, go thrifting!! Remember to check though, avoid places like The Salvation Army, they are not a good company. more info on that can be found here.

You'd be surprised just how much we as a society waste.

Take things such as old shirts and turn it into something new

I've made a bracelet out of a jean jacket cuff and soda pop tabs, this is just one thing out of many you can make! I've seen people make spikes out of soda cans, get creative!! The only limit is your imagination.

Learn to sew! I'ts not as hard it seems. Here are some useful links to learn!


You don't need to even use thread! For some things, though it's a bit harder to work with, you can use floss. Just be warned that this can melt with ironing/ washing.

I like to make patches to put on my jacket with old jeans and shirts cut up!

You can make your own patches or use stencils by printing logos and cutting the logo out, here are some good resources for stencils


Another popular thing is to decorate/ customize a jacket with patches of band you like/ beliefs/ interests and spikes. This is also popular with pants! I heavily recommend the subreddit  r/punkfashion for inspo and hairstyles/ tips!

Remember that punk came from poorer people. You don't need to be rich, there is no requirements like that.

Go to shows! Discover your local scene!

My best advice to find others in the scene is to go to local shows. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BANDS!!

Not only is it generally fun, but you never know who you'll meet. It's always good to support underrated local bands and help keeps the scene alive!

Some of my favorite punk bands/ music:

The FalsiesThought RiotLower Class BratsNOFXOperation Ivy

That's only a few, there's so much more out there. Punk tends to overlap a lot with a lot of other rock genres, some of these are Ska and Hardcore.

You don't need to drink/ do drugs to be punk

Personally, I am straightedge and don't drink/ do substances.

Though there is a lot of that in the scene, it's not required and doesn't make you any lesser. There's quite a few bands out there who also hold these beliefs.

Remember your beliefs.

Try to shop ethically/ be ethical. Fuck carbon emissions, protect the environment, hate the awful society we live in. Eat the rich. No gods, no masters.

Rock on.

(Let me know if there's anything you want me to add/ stuff I missed!)

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SN_Luka's profile picture

black "people" probably wrote this post #furrypride i rape dogs

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benny // whalefall

benny // whalefall's profile picture

thank you for posting this!!

any recs for people who can't go to shows because of sensory sensitivity (me)?

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Thats totally valid! Def check out some online communities and fourms! Though it's not required but sometimes you can find others around ur city/ town by looking the part (ex: having diff punk band shirts/ diy stuff on)

by Lemonade Hyena; ; Report

workin on it!!

by benny // whalefall; ; Report

★ scout ★

★ scout ★'s profile picture

hell yeah dawg... how does it feel to be extremely correct

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