it hasn't even been 1 month since school started (for me) and there's already some stupid drama going on.
let me introduce to you guys: vi and va (not actual names). vi is the kind of guy to interrupt everyone just to talk about himself. think of him like berdly but 10x more annoying and actually unlikeable. i don't know much about va he's just one of those average jock-y(?) guys that think they're cool.
the beef is that vi, suddenly in the class groupchat, called va out for being a sexist, racist and homophobic (they've been classmates since middle school), then va called vi out for actually not being autistic and that 'vi told him so'.
vi is one of those guys that think they're such manipulators when they're just total losers in reality, so in the groupchat he kept making it seem like he was winning the drama by making long ass sentences and sounding 'professional' in some sort of way, thing is that he keeps switching from romanian to english mid text. i get that in real life you can't help it, but google translate exists 😭
a few of my classmates intervened just to tell them to shut up (which is true. they should've just taken it to dms nobody cares. none of this is juicy enough) which they did. then an hour later vi was like 'oh va i'm so sorry for offending you... in the future, i'll try to be fake next time so you don't get mad'. I'D ACTUALLY DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT IF I EVEN WROTE THAT. I'D BANG MY HEAD TO A WALL TILL I PASS OUT IN AN INSTANT BRO. HOW DO YOU NOT REGRET YOUR WOOOORDSSS YOU ALSO COULD'VE TAKEN THAT TO DMS NOBODY IN THE GC CARES IF U APOLOGIZE TO VA OR NOOOOTTT 😭😭 thankfully va didn't respond.
my pure opinion on this drama is that it's stupid. vi didn't have to call out va cause racists, sexists and homophobes are pretty much everywhere in the country i live in, even the town, so his words were irrelevant. at the same time, va responded very negatively saying that he'll beat vi up to a pulp and calling him a pussy. i am not on anyones side on this cause this genuinely could've never happened cause this shit's definetly one of vis schemes to get attention from the class (which failed miserably, to some extent)
offtopic-but-also-on-topic, me and my seatmate (possible friend!) talked about this drama, then i pulled out of my bum this 'theory' that victor might just have had a friendgroup before this year in which he was all out and about and he can't handle change so that's why he's like this. if this 'theory' were true, it doesn't make it good that he interrupts the teachers and stuff. also, mind i tell you we just got through 9th grade and our campus is mostly filled with highschoolers, but they also have middleschoolers, so vi and va went to the same school since forever and know everything about the campus. but that's just some food for thought. ^_^

irrelevant but interesting(?) class drama
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