Ender Pearl PT 1

TW:TRAUMA, SA?,BLOOD MENTIONED(I think low-key can't remember, SWEARING?

From a young age, I could barely comprehend what or who I was. I was 10 when I started on my own, my mother dying from the withering sickness, that rotted her. I spent my days wandering about the biomes of the Nether, the hot red rock underneath my feet, seeing humans come and go through the portals, new ones spawning by the moment. I eventually found myself without food or fungus juice, when I came across the fortress of a wither, pulling my shirt up as I wandered through. The wither sickness was harmless to a human but very harmful to netherarians and deadly to enders. I had made my way through it to a chest, opening it to an ender pearl of a purple and black hue, glowing over my gray skin. I stood there for a moment before hearing something shift behind me, in a panic I dropped the pearl to the ground causing it to teleport me, but it was different, it was a quick flash then you’re there, but this time energy crackled around me and I could feel my body cracking and fading out till my eyes went black, I forgot everything Until everything happened that you already know.

Earlier that month I had parted ways with Ambrose, it seemed we just weren’t heading in the same way, literally. The events that occurred screwed me over badly. I had been wandering for days, the villages being my only home. I still had the hallucinations even though we defeated it, why does it keep happening? The nether is out of reach, I haven’t even been able to find a broken one. I just stay in trees on days that there are too many mobs the pines are still too prickly for me, I would think I would be fine with them by now but they still hurt. The days felt like years and this was the worst time. It was spring so the weather was right in the middle and was unbearable for me. I settled into a village house for the night covering the windows and locking the door, eating the potatoes that sat in the chest. I laid down and closed my eyes hopefully to get a good night’s sleep this time.

Though I didn’t, everything was dark and pitch black, and a faint child could be heard crying. Thought tonight I wasn’t going to walk towards it. I sat on the pitch-black glass floors lying down, waiting for myself to wake up. I knew the child was me, I remember crying so hard over my mother’s lifeless body. I tried closing my eyes but they were tied open. I lay for hours, even though I wasn’t moving I was, cause the sound of crying was getting louder, and louder till I turned around the small crying boy in front of me. I sighed standing up. “That’s enough.” I set a hand on the little boy in front of me pulling him into my arms. “No more crying…please,” I said, hugging him tightly. The boy sniffed wiping his snot on his sleeve. “I wish I could-” Loud banging filled the room, it was unknown…and new. Suddenly I woke up to an axe pounding on the wooden door. Crap! I flung over covering my face with my scarf and clothes. I grabbed my bow and arrow starting to break the window when the door burst open, and a human standing in the frame.

I fell down and up against the wall.  He stood for a moment before stepping closer to me. “Sorry, I was looking to loot that.” He said pointing to the chest. I sat frozen, biting the inside of my scarf that was tightly wrapped around my face. “Are you alright? You look scared out of your skin.” He bent down towards me extending his hand to me. I hesitated before grabbing it, he pulled me up to my feet. “Do you have a place built, are you lost?” I shook my head no then yes. “Me and my friend have a cool base in a village a 100 blocks from here, I am sure they wouldn’t mind if you joined, we need a farmer, Are you good with crops?” He talked a lot, he had medium brown hair that was pulled into a small ponytail. His iron armor shined from the slowly setting sun. I shook my head yes and started to follow him out of the village. “Not a talker, huh?” He chuckled dragging his diamond sword back and forth as we walked. If he knew I was mob he’d probably slice my head off right now. I nodded yes. “I’m Jet, by the way, you?” I held my hands up to my scarf softly talking. “Cyrus…” I whispered. He perked up. “It talks!” He then paused for a moment. “Wait are you a boy or girl, we only want boys for our group but I mean you look…” He tried to move my scarf and I pulled back and blurted out of stupidity. “I’m a girl!” I said. Was I dumb!? I am a boy why didn’t I just say that!? “Oh… Well, I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind, but watch out for Ethan he’s a mommy wanter.” I shuddered in disgust. “Yeah.” He continued. We crossed a quick river and came to a village surrounded by a stone wall and moat. “Wow this place is cool!” I said in awe.

 He walked up to a iron door, knocking on it. “Password and name.” A man said inside the wall “Jet Hall, s.w.n.s.g.r.” The man looked over to me. “And him?” He turned to the man once more. “Her name is Cyrus, uh….What’s your last name?” He asked turning to me. “It’s-” My last name is too obvious of a mob. “Aspect,” I said. He turned back to the man. “Her name is Cyrus Aspect.” The man behind the wall eye’s widened. “A lady? Well, ladies first!” He said, his voice raising as he unlocked the door. I knew at that moment that the man was Ethan.  Jet led me through the door into the secured village a giant building in the middle. “Is that your house?” I asked, adjusting the goggles on my eyes.  “That’s the fam house, we all live in it.” A bell could be heard in the distance, startling me. “Meeting, Ethan probably already told Malum,” Jet said, walking me towards the ringing bell. The name Malum seems familiar, not that I’ve met someone named that, but the word. Malum. It eventually slipped my head when we arrived. “So Jet, bring in a wanderer?” Malum sighed, crossing his arms. “I found her alone in a village house.” Jet protested. “Emtey yourself,” Malum said with little to no emotion. “What?” I asked confused. “Drop anything you have, weapons, supplies, anything.” He said grabbing me by the arm, “Drop clothes too.” He chuckled.  Jet stepped in front of me. “You’re gross, dude. She’s a girl, you’re not telling her to drop her clothes.” He said sternly. Malum gave a mean glare. “Fine, drop your bag, and empty your pockets,”  he said, sucking air through his teeth. I was happy Jet stepped in, I would’ve been revealed as a mob and a guy. I set down my bag and pulled the few seeds and iron nugget out of my pockets. Another man from their group walked over to me and was careful not to pat the lady parts I didn’t even have. “She’s good, nothing hidden.” Which was a lie he patted the diamond in my back pocket, he had my respect. “Give her a bed and put her in the greenhouse, she’ll live there.” He gripped my arm, “No food will be taken or given to her, if she’s hungry she’ll leave the base and get her own food, hear me…?” Malum glared, Jet gave a look at him and he let go. 

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💥pierce🩸's profile picture

is this about minecraft

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Yes it's a Minecraft themed book

by xBug_Vomitx; ; Report