weird being mainstream

Every movie or Type of media has lost personality. The goal is to please the masses and there is no room for being diffrent. 
The first time I really thought about this, was when I wachted the beetlejuice beetlejuice movie. Dont watch it! Sitting in the cinema I could feel how my excitement fanished. This reboot is purly for money making and completly scraped the original plot line to make it more mainstream. Aswell as the trends currently on social media. 
For example I watch people that look like they would bully me, talk about how they relate to "dinner in america". Is being weird cool now? Are you getting bullied when you are "basic"?
With current consumerism of media, most people see the mainstream version of probably a micro trend that started in a certain community and later gets claimed by aninlfuencer and/or big Company. IAccording to me, will this be the downfall of selfexpression.

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