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Category: Life

this time it’s a SIGN

guys…before i even start, THIS BOY IS SO CUTE AHHH!!{^]^ okok so basically, on friday during last day of the term (for the non-aussies, we have terms which are 3 months, and in the school year we have 4 terms with 2 week break from school every 3months since we only have a month of summer break..eewww.)

ANYWHOOO it was like around 5th period and i had double period of..p.e FML, just ME and 4 orhergirls. and the whole class was filled with smelly, loud ANNOYING sweating boys who probably just grew facial hair and started vaping to be kool😒. and i practically had NONE of my besties like damn…MY 4LIFERS!! come back :(( ITS NOT FAIR THEY PUT 2 OF MY GIRLIES IN THE SAME P.E CLASS AND MY OTHER FRIEND GOT DEPORTED BECUZ we got caught shoplifting at Sephora.NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER SHOP FROM SEPHORA CUZ SEPHORA DONT PLAY I SWEARRR…!!! us 5 girls were in the corner and this girl(btw I’ll name these girls) one girl named Julia said there was going to be a party for term break and when she said THAT my head SPUNNN and I was like “bitch, WHERE, WHEN WHO??” cuz the parties here ain’t hitting like the movies..just eshayz and abgs drunk and playing any hood rap song possible anyways she gave me and the girls the deets and it was like in this kids house and it was late at night and i was second guessing it because i lived like 30MINUTES AWAY like bitch, i don’t even know how to get there because I don’t take the bus, so like SHIZZZ. alicia and angie were hyping it up and bro, FUCK IT LETS GET LIT. we were doing batminton or wtv and there was 5 of us so we silently stood there because we needed only 4 players, becuz it was gonna be 2 of each side of the net. fking hell it was AWKWARD and then the quiet boy..(gosh i’m kicking my feet remembering this) anyways his name lolan..anyway he was standing there with his mates and he didn’t have a partner so he tapped my shoulder and i hear an ANGELIC SOFT ass voice in my ear, “Um, hey.. would you want to be my partner.” AHHH LIKE YES OFC. so we started playing and guys YK WHEN U PLAY BATMONTON AND THE FKING THING DISAPPEARS LIKE IT GOES RIGHT THROUGH LIKE A GHOST BAHHAHH it was SO SO SO DO embarrassing so I started apologising because like it was so bad..and he was like it’s fine and he was showing me how and I was like HES A WHOLE SNACK so yes guys..when he was teaching me I was staring at his muscles..LIKE IMM SORRYYYY IT WAS JUZZZZT…UGHH so i didn’t pay attention so he came OVER. LIKE HE CAME TURNT ME BY MY HIPS AND LIFT MY ARMS AND DID THE MOMENT WITH MY ARMS AND OMG I WAD BLUSHING CUZ BABES HE JUST GRABBING ME LIKR OH OKAY..so anyways pack up time. we had to wait for the bell to ring so we are all outside waiting to be dismissed and tell me why lolan comes and asks me if i still didn’t understand how to use the badminton and i just said yeah and he said that it was kinda funny and cute how I couldn’t do it and stood there and let him be the MVP for the team..AHHAHAHJAJAJAH KISS ME BITCH..anyways my fingers hurt from typing. should I give a PART 2?!!?

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