i really interested in remaking and perfecting a sandwich i made like, 3 weeks ago. Home isnt like that so we dont have a very "well endowed" fridge. BUT 3 months ago i made my favourite sandwich to date, ive never eaten a sandwich better than it (not even from any restaurants). im not gonna share the contents of my sandwich just incase ppl eat this all the time and i was just late to learning one of the fundamentals of life. i was glad to have made something nice to eat after school.
i follow a lot of cooking and barbeque channels on youtube and they ALL pipe about how homemade mayo is better than storebought, so i wanted to make my own mayo for my sandwich cus my sandwich has a nice sweet-salty-sourish-ness that i think would benefit from a nice mayo. So i tried to make it yesterday
BUT, i dont have an immersion blender and they ALWAYS have an immersion blender. Theres a normal blender at home but when i looked for a recipe on a website they all said NOT to use a normal blender. i think i remembered (im actually not sure if i made it up or not) someone using a jar and shaking it really hard so i decided on that
it didnt work. i attempted twice and made sure to and oil slowly not at once but nothing brought the results i wanted. so i stopped cus i didnt want to waste more than two eggs.
i dont want to ask my parents to buy anything because the point of my Sandwich of Providence is that i can decide i want to eat it the second i get home. maybe this is the universe telling me the sandwich is perfect as it is now, which i get it is a good sandwich i dont want to ruin it by doing too much
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