Uggghhh kids back in 2000s (around MySpace ofc) look like the most coolest people ever ughh ((╬◣﹏◢)) wish I could be such a 2000s kid >_<

I wish i was in the 2000s
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Uggghhh kids back in 2000s (around MySpace ofc) look like the most coolest people ever ughh ((╬◣﹏◢)) wish I could be such a 2000s kid >_<
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Its interesting you mention that because like how are the people? What are theyre personalities its easy to think hell yeah everyone being a mcr fan every one wearing 5 studded belts and scene/emo hair fuck yeah, but its interesting to think that people just dressed that way they weren't necessarily super emo its js how everyone dressed, think of the whitest person you know or like the most vanilla person in the 2000 they would be the same person just wearing emo clothes lol