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Category: Games

The only Trusted ROBLOX Revivals

I have been trust issue with ROBLOX Revivals for while, but I found some ROBLOX Revivals that is private and trusted!


Boomblox is a 2008M ROBLOX revival that has been seen the site to be recreated from the ground up without stealing codes, Although this revival could have a chance to get DMCA for some reason, but it'll sometimes come back whenever it wants to.

Project Hexagon

Hexagon is a 2013-2014 ROBLOX revival, which it's founded by Sushi, same founder of Meteorite, although this revival could be sketchy, but it's best if I could use VPN for better way to protect my IP or so.

There could be more soon, I hope Some ROBLOX revivals like Austiblox, VirtuBrick, and EvenBlox Development is Finished soon or later.

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W.Dgaming's profile picture

hexagon is safe, however there were some hackers but they got banned

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