You every just hear music that makes you wanna bounce off the walls?
The type of music that makes you wanna run in circles and eat colors? xD
I dunno what it is, but breakcore music.
Just breakcore music. xP
It's like every song ate eleventeen packs of SmileDip and decided to shit rainbows everywhere, all while sounding like a mental breakdown. xD
Is in it sounds like your mental is breakin' it down. B]
If you wanna hear what I'm listening to, here's the playlist of breakcore! ^^
TW The image for the video has a drawing of a knife with blood TW
I also added the music to my profile, if you'd rather listen to it without that visual!
Happy listening! And thank you for reading! x3

blog post 7!!
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The music is making me see colors... Or maybe I'm just high /j
Aren't we all? xD /j
by Kitztuffz; ; Report
Honestly, yeah
We're all just high on life and other shit B)
by Yumittchi; ; Report