I wanna feel like a blogger so I'm just gonna use this as a public diary :3 But anywayss my best friend and I decided to go on a cute hiking trip today! So after packing a little backpack with like the essentials we headed out to the little trail she has behind her house. This isn't like something out of the norm for us, we like to go on walks in the woods behind her house almost weekly. Well, we get on the trail and were just moving along, laughing and having fun right? Wrong! Out of nowhere this big ass swarm of wasps come out and they got my ass y'all. Like I'm just swatting these wasps off of the front of my shirt and my friend is swatting them off of my back. Not only am I getting stung on my front and back, one of the wasps FLYS INTO MY PANTS!! This very brave wasp I guess had got into my shirt and followed it down to my pants too, idk how it happened tbh. But now I'm covered in wasps stings, one of which is legit on my butt crack. Overall hating nature today.

I hate nature
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Chaos Conspiracies
bugs r gross dats y i never like countrysides or do any wood hiking i have a bugphobia fuck bees n wasps even hornets
I'm terrified of bugs so I usually spray myself down with bug spray before we go! I didn't this one time TODAY and I learned my lesson :,(
by Emo Prince$$; ; Report
i didnt know theres bug spray for waspz
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report