Before anyone comes attacking me this is MY opinion. Feel free to contribute with your opinion but just don't bash mine.
I'm all for listen to whatever music you want, but does it have to be MSI??
"I separate the art from the artist !!" Listening to them on Spotify but not liking the members is NOT separating the art from the artist. I'm sure there are several artists with similar music but aren't problematic, its a quick search.
I've also seen a little to much "I love Jimmy Urine!" recently and I think that's a little bit weird?? Like this guy has several confirmed allegations are we just forgetting those?
I think MSI has a very nice funky kind of vibe to their songs but i seriously cant listen to it without feeling disgusted. I think I found like 2 songs that weren't weird as fuck.
"It was a different time then !! Those words were normal to say !!" Why are we excusing it? Bro literally said slurs its weird.
Look I don't care what you do with your life I'm just saying I've seen way too many people defending MSI and ignoring the fact they're bad people
(If I've gotten anything wrong please correct me, politely)
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I dislike their music so I dont need to separate it myself but Spotify gives almost no money at all to artists and is mainly used for publicity