I've been questioning aromanticism for a while.
I've been fond of people but I dont think ive ever been in love. I don't really know what true love feels like, so who knows, maybe I have.
currently, I don't even want a relationship; when I think about being in one I feel weird. But since everyone else seems to have a relationship, without one, I feel as though I'm missing out.
does anyone else feel the same way?
sorry for the doom and gloom
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i think keep this in mind; it doesnt matter. youre 16, never have been in love is completely normal.
personally, i havent liked anyone for nearly 4 years and i have close to no sex drive, and alot of people i talk to feel the need to tell me what i am. but i know i do like people and would like a relationship and im not asexual. and it used to upset me that i felt i wasnt normal. then i came to terms that i am myself. it doesnt matter. we all love differently. having the label aromantic is not going to change how you feel.
i think putting a label on things like that puts you in too much of a box, closes you off to possibilities.
Ty for your reply :) I suppose worrying about labels isn't a productive way to spend my time, haha. Here's to hoping I can learn how to accept myself regardless of them.
by Lee(8)彡; ; Report
In my opinion, I think those are good enough reasons to identify as aromantic!
Really, it's how you feel, your identity is your choice, so if you feel like it fits, go on ahead!
Others in here might be able to give you a better answer, so I apologize if I'm not of any help!
To answer your question, its 50/50, the positives to dating and having a partner are amazing, but the trial and error to find the "right one" can be tiring.
The process isn't for everybody, especially if repeated fails get to your head/make you feel defeated.
Whether you date or not is your choice, but don't feel forced to date anybody.
Better no company than bad company.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind!
I just need to begin accepting myself; aromantic or not.
by Lee(8)彡; ; Report