if all i wanna be is respected
loved, cared for
treated like something instead of some dumb whore
if all i wanna be is respected
why is that so hard
its so easy to just let me stand
instead of throwing me around like a punching bag
if all i wanna be is respected
why dont my feelings count
i really hope one day ill figure it out
im left unanswered, like every other day
im left in the dust, covered in kicked up hay
im left abandoned, wrote over, discarded
im left as something people dont want, disregarded
i dont want to be left
i wish i could move
but if i take one step ill get hurt
by someone i love
i wish i could confront them
about everything ive been through
but id rather keep them close
than lose them, too
i guess ill just be a punching bag
i guess ill just be there
i guess ill just be their therapist with nothing left to share
i guess ill just be the one listening
i guess ill just spare my patience
i guess my patience is depleting
from my emotional wear and tear

left wondering where i stand (poem)
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