i'm aware he got banned off spacehey, that's not what i'm talking about here.
what i'm really curious about is his sudden disappearance. after he got banned, he didn't seem to show any signs of wanting to straight up quit the internet. he even posted a video wherein he stated that he would still hang around on his forum.
yet, to my surprise, his discord, along with all of his socials were deleted in the span of a day, on september 24th. i wasn't on my computer when it all went down, but i'm assuming something must have happened, in order to make him suddenly delete everything.
so, my question to anybody else who was in wubzilla's discord server when it went poof:
what exactly happened that made wub scrub everything away? did he say something damning, or did he just suddenly lose faith in the internet?
Displaying 20 of 21 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
this is so absurd. so this is why I haven't been able to reach out to him.
I go offline for 3 months... wth
by ππΉβΰΉΙ³απ€ππ₯; ; Report
who tf is wubzilla??? he from wowwowwubzie or smtn T-T
Not everything of him is entirely gone. His website is still active
Nah, it's all gone.
by Koltin
I felt this coming and it turns out I was right. He's weird!
ε½ΌγδΏ‘ι Όγ§γγγ¨ζγ£γγγ¨γ―γͺγ
I never felt I could trust him
he gave me a really weird feeling honestly
by dave; ; Report
From what I heard he got banned because a mod on spacehey use to mod on his discord server but they had beef for some reason and then they spread stuff about him. when he posted the egg plant thing he did it becasue it was eggplant awareness month or something and did it as a joke but the mod used it as a way to ban him. he did do r@pe jokes tho so maybe that's part of it?
I dont think thats true. Im in a server with the mod your talking about and they never talked shit about him. I dont want to be rude, but wubzilla actually said some really gross and messed up things in his discord server before he deleted it. Even saying slurs he cannot reclaim. Also when said mod talked to wub about the situation, If I remember correctly, I dont think he ever mentioned "eggplant awarness month" at all.
by FriendlyReaper; ; Report
I never was a mod on his server. Only talked in there and with him until april, complete blackout in communications until september when this all unfolded.
Sporratic DM's until yeah the whole situation happened...
by Koltin
you know, once he posted something about break up stuff he fell completely different person
damn he got banned ? ? whatd he do ? ? i unfriended him a while ago cuz one time he did a bulletin complaining about people who talk about "political stuff". i found the ambiguity in that statement pretty suspicious considering the current events and i got bad vibes + we never interacted sooo... But i have never heard of him doing anything fucked up before
yeah, i was booted from his server unceremoniously with no explanation after i voiced discomfort with an april fool's "prank" where he changed everyone's nicknames without warning or consent (i'm autistic af so that did not fly). instead of talking it out with me he just banned me, and then i unfriended him on here
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
thats crazy, i guess hes an asshole even when it comes to smaller stuff
by juul; ; Report
by benny // whalefall; ; Report
I wasn't aware that /everything/ was gone, geez.
From what I'm aware, he got the ban hammer on Spacehey for making r*pe jokes and suggesting that he show his dick to his followers (the whole eggplant emoji thing) that rightly pissed off the mods on Spacehey.
I joined his Discord way, way before all of this happened. He went on to call the mods slurs and dedicate an entire channel to berating the staff of Spacehey, complaining about the strict moderation. His relationships with his own mods wasn't the best, either.
His Discord was... odd, to say the least. He had this "Discord kitten" thing on his server (a good amount of the users on there were under 18, by the way, Wubs being well over 25).
Before then I remember his bulletins became increasingly unstable as time went on. Clearly it appeared that he was going through some heavy shit in his life, so to a degree I can understand why all of this ended the way it did.
Last I remember he wanted to build his own website.
He used to have a forum of some sort too the last time I was active on his server before it went down. Nowadays, his forum is unreachable (presumably he shut it down). As for the website, not sure what type of website he's planning on building on.
by LostBoys; ; Report
I've been looking around, all I found were old friend requests someone posted.
sorry about what I found, spacehey is just one of my phases.
dang, he got banned? i mean, i unfriended him a bit ago over ai art, but dang. he'd been strange about a month up to that anyways, so... huh!
i not really a assumptions guy but, the way wub acted around minors was totally wierd af and i would not be suprised grooming allegations suddenly popped up
like, whats a 30 something year old doing around teens online? tryna be the next smartschoolboy9?
by Null_; ; Report
by chrisrich4892; ; Report
kind of offtopic a little. but .did anyone else wubzilla was kind of weird before. Or am i just really paranoid
his pfp freak me out.
by lilybug; ; Report
legit same i hated his pfp!! was so weird...
i had accepted him months back when i was a bit newer 2 spacehey and he commented on my profile "cool profile." ive seen him on many other profiles saying the exact same thing. got sick of his bulletins at one point (ive since forgotten why i thought he was annoying, 1 reason was def the pfp) so i blocked him. but now as i think abt it i realised that hes so weird to friend me for my profile. ik the whole point of the customisation is so ppl can judge who you are a little bit but my profile is similar to what i have now (but less pink), yet even then... how would someone like him find my super pink-n-girly profile "cool"??? like come on now...
by kjβ; ; Report
he said that to everyone with the cool pf i thought it was a bot at firdt but i unadded him bc of his stupid pfp
by lilybug; ; Report
yeah he did say that to every1 but 2 me its kinda weird that he found SO many ppl's profiles cool in the first place... esp one like mine... (not saying ppl cant enjoy super pink pfs but still!!) what my pf used 2 be back then, wasnt good at all cause it was basically the same as a relatively popular layout i took the code for (idk how 2 code my own pf lol) compared to now when ive changed a lot of it. in retrospect him adding me was a bit weird, there were definitely ppl with the same pf as me before i started to change things up in the code over time.
by kjβ; ; Report
He was a friend collector, that's why. He wanted to raise his friend numbers up which he post a friend bullet of celebrating on whatever number. He also used to have a goku pfp when he first friended me. Though I can understand that it's weird, I find it weird as well. Good riddance though.
by β§Idia/Cielβ§; ; Report
i ahte friend collecters
by lilybug; ; Report
by kjβ; ; Report
Here's what happened, atleast my pov.
Made super risky jokes including dick pic. Several times
I admit I made sarcastic comment, he made a super weird comment.
Then the Cosby joke.
Insults mod team.
Explained to him why, told him if he gets reported one more time he's done.
Throws a fit, that one more report came banned him.
I block him.
He then goes on twitter posting info, keep in mind when I blocked him that info turned private (not in friends list nor in a server)
Makes the video, bringing up an incident that I thought was sorted out. (We were all warned).
Proceeds to leak convo from our DM's in his serve, actually one person's name was collateral.
People call him out in the comments, he then later privated and deleted most of his internet presence.
He made a bill Cosby rape joke and got banned I have the screenshot of it but this man went off the deep end he's been acting hella creepy and even made a joke about showing his penis on his YouTube channel comment section but yeah he's a fucking weirdo lol
Mind you he joked about showing his penis to MINORS who literally told him that they were underage but he sent a link and he was just holding an eggplant infront of his dick I think I got the pic of that too
by EpikZombieXD; ; Report
The rape joke: "https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sw2Ry3iGckhRgrq468eH0NcG6M8e_7gDveH2U9qKkEB0=/https://i.postimg.cc/RFGRpjqh/Screenshot-2024-09-16-9-34-28-AM.png"
Him showing his "penis" (Only have a picture of the image he sent not the joke): https://web.archive.org/web/20240918093805im_/https://i.postimg.cc/HkZV8bY6/image.png
by EpikZombieXD; ; Report
I don't see the last screenshot of his eggplant joke, but I've seen it before his suspension.
by LostBoys; ; Report
Arthur Schneider
Oh wow I never noticed, Iβd been in his discord server but never really talked on it, only checking up on the whole wub and spacehey situation, but he mightve gotten into some sort of trouble and deleted everything
Honestly, by some of the things I have seen and learned it may have been to cover his tracks. Its awful since he seemed to be such a nice person at first, but it seems like he just sort of went down hill as time went on. Heck, he had some awful and just down right ignorant takes in his discord, even using slurs he could not reclaim. Sadly I didn't get SS of anything besides one of the times he said a slur he could not reclaim which was the D-slur (And also a SS someone else took of him making fun of systems), I probably should have but didn't even really think of doing so and I do apologize.
It's fine, I thought he was a cool guy too, until he ended up leaving a bad taste my mouth on what he's saying in his discord server. Which could've been his downfall on what you mentioned. Sadly, I don't have any screenshots of him having a breakdown on him being banned since I left because of his ignorant behavior on handling this situation, along with shutting down some suggestions like don't post something sexually provocative (joking or not), or making some tasteless jokes.
In other words, he thinks that he's never wrong and all that.
by LostBoys; ; Report
hi srry but wuts the d slur? im so srry i just dk wut it is

by cleo!!; ; Report
Mostly used as a slur against lesbians iirc.
by LostBoys; ; Report
ohh ok i remember wut it is! tysm!!
by cleo!!; ; Report
I want to say that the whole "Emozilla" arc was caused by me... I was friends with him and used his discord server and we talked a shit ton and I would jokingly send memes I thought were funny but I felt intense red flags so I lied and said "my mom said I can't be on discord". I unfriended, blocked him and left his discord server because I felt a bit uneasy. One of my friends I made on the server kept me updated with everything he was saying because I felt like I was being stalked by him. He changed his profile picture and name and even (presumably) made a post about me wishing id talk to him again. He's a (at the time of this which was around february) 32 year old man-child. My birthday was in January so I was 2 months into being 18 when this happened if you want more context.
Sorry I needed to tell someone about this because I can't stand keeping a secret this serious.
mate this was months ago ur fine
by cleo!!; ; Report
I'm still scared he's stalking me

What made you say that?
by LostBoys; ; Report
The way he acted was borderline stalker behavior. It freaked me tf outβ¦
Aes Saru
I would like to know as well. It odd seeing a server like that just poof and vanish even if he was having a bit of a meltdown.
Same, even if I left his server around the 16th of September and didn't looked back because of how he behaved, I didn't know that he'd erase every platform he's (probably) active on until I heard this news on spacehey.
by LostBoys; ; Report
The forums and youtube is both gone, Idk about twitter. I got rid of it when I got a bsky.
by Aes Saru; ; Report
I see, I checked that his forum is "unreachable". As for his twitter, he deactivated it.
by LostBoys; ; Report
i really hope there's an answer to this, however i think he was just run off the internet