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Category: Life

Day 2: Blue Shit Everywhere

not going to school, havent talked to anyone irl in like 2 months, barely making money. i woke up at like 4 am today and read for like 2 hours just to give myself a false sense of productivity. its cool tho. im getting into screenprinting. i attempted to burn my nylon screen yesterday in my room with a UV light i bought off amazon and it didnt work. i think i applied too much emulsion. the result was me leaving a trace of blue liquid everywhere i stepped foot in the house. oh my god. my bathtub when i was washing my screen looked insane. shit looked like a smurf exploded in there. today i woke up and apparently i forgot to clean my doorknob. so now my doorknob has a bunch of blue shit on it and im going rodrick heffley mode trying to hide it from my mom before she kills me with a rock. i really wanna get the hang of this so i can maybe turn it into a business and not have to rely on old ass fucking managers who cant even read or do basic math for money, but right now im currently procrastinating on trying again because i dont want to waste any more materials. Thats an issue i have. I find ways to not do shit because theres too much risk or effort. I need to get my shit together. 

0 Kudos


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