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I'll pozt random poemz here
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I wrote a shitty poem todayyy A long time ago,Times most splendidEmerged a starYet another unbright.Worn out and nakedIts worthless matterLeft out to seeto each galaxy's eyeGrasping a flintThe star begged and criedYet it has stillRemained unbrightBlank, pitch voidAbandoned slice of skyThe only mere lightDid the star provideBare, mere lightwill never be enoughfor a star to keepany planets aroundSlowly circling and baskingin its own worthlessnessthe helpless starFound a source of lightFilled up with warmthfew first flames held outtheir firey armsup to the skyYet when the star thoughtit was its lightit came outit was all a lie
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I wrote a shitty poem todayyy
A long time ago,
Times most splendid
Emerged a star
Yet another unbright.
Worn out and naked
Its worthless matter
Left out to see
to each galaxy's eye
Grasping a flint
The star begged and cried
Yet it has still
Remained unbright
Blank, pitch void
Abandoned slice of sky
The only mere light
Did the star provide
Bare, mere light
will never be enough
for a star to keep
any planets around
Slowly circling and basking
in its own worthlessness
the helpless star
Found a source of light
Filled up with warmth
few first flames held out
their firey arms
up to the sky
Yet when the star thought
it was its light
it came out
it was all a lie