୨୧ㅤvittorino's profile picture

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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

odd shit??

(first blog woohoo)

has anyone elses friends just been having weird dreams about you? like i mean not the type where you two like turn into dolphins and fly away on a rainbow, i mean ones with personal experiences that might/have happened.

some backstory, my father and i have a very bad relationship and one time i got in massive trouble with him when he saw me kissing my now ex-bf and he even sent me away. (i dont see him anymore for now so yeah but moving on)

the week before, my friend rose told me about a strange dream she had: she was standing near a parking place and was observing me looking at my father get arrested by hers. i laughed and told her she was crazy and that ive never had someone dream about me like that.

then, the next week that ''trouble'' thing happened at that exact parking lot, that night she told me she had a dream about that again except this time she was ME. this is not the first time she has dreamed about me and actual things like my trauma or stuff and uts kind of scaring me.

!    another thing, do cats have any spiritual meaning? im christian so i dont believe in most witchy things but still a genuine question

7 months ago, a guy i was friends with and me were walking in a park because we didnt really have much else to do. then, he turned around to look behind me but laughed. i asked what he saw and he said ''oh man, i thought i saw some big hairy cat behind your legs, lookin' all funny at me''. at the time, i shrugged it off cause im used to paranormal experiences like this and didnt think much of it. 5 months later, my ex/sa'er sadly said he saw the same cat while we were walking. back then i had already forgotten about this, but i was feeling really uneasy. he gave me a description: a large cat, like a maincoon with a black/really dark brown fur and white spots all over. it had big yellow eyes that stared at him like a warning. 

then i remembered it again when last month rose told me about it aswell. i had never linked these, because i brushed it off as nothing, but when she told me i was feeling the same kind of uneasy i felt when someone important to me died, so i wasnt feeling that well to say the least. i remembered what those other 2 had told me, and i finally linked it. i had a cat who sadly died, could this have to do anything with him? if you know anything please tell, i would appreciate it alot <3

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Cardinal's profile picture

Looking at the cat thing from a Christian perspective I don't think that the fact that its a cat is something that implies spiritual meaning but I know that within the christian faith and in my experience things like that cat can be catalysts and a way that God might be attempting to communicate in a sense. In my experience I feel like its similar to when situations happen around me and I get a thought in my head that's almost unconscious and I can see that as either a signal from God or my conviction that is driving me to believe it is which either way within the christian faith should be respected as God trying to communicate through you and through things around you which might help you out in life. Basically I think that these coincidences and stuff could very well be spiritually ordained if you are so inclined to believe so.

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but its really interesting that these things are happening to you and I think that you should delve into your own mind and heart to see how you might be perceiving this in a meta analysis kinda way. overall really interesting thing you have going on and I think its really cool so I had to comment :)

by Cardinal; ; Report

woahhh that does make sense, but why would He try to ''talk'' to me whenevr im stressed? the ''friend'' did turn out to become my abuser, but still, this isnt the only time when i feel ''uncomfy'' or ''not safe'' and something happened. me and my ex/sa'er, lets call him A, liked to hangout alot and play games. one day we came across this game called cat scratch, and he was really fucking me up about it all day. eventually we hung out at his house and played it a few times (succesfully). i wore this necklace every day for two years, and ive worn it through everything (iykyk), and i took it off and gave it to A to hold when i was putting my shirt on. he recoiled when he held it, and we both felt a massive energy coming from a corner. i could see a big white light in the vague form of something humanoid, and then it was gone. i stressed and panicked thinking i summoned a demon but when i asked my witch friend the next day (i was pagan at the time) and she told me all the energy and feelings ive felt have hidden in that necklace and manifested when i felt unsafe around A and ''lashed out'' when he took it. is there also an explaination for, if i might ask? again ty for telling me all this

by ୨୧ㅤvittorino; ; Report